Chapter 49.

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The next day.

It's barely a surprise that I wake up in an empty apartment. I realize that I fell asleep in Louis' bed which makes me wonder where he slept. I don't remember much from last night, I just remember that he hit a guy at the bar and then got into a fight with Sandy. Oh, and that he told me that he loved me... My head is pounding and I can only imagine how hungover Louis must be. I suddenly hear a knock on the door and I pray to god that it's not him. I can't deal with this sort of drama right now. I walk over to the door and I'm relieved when I'm met by the faces of Niall and Liam. They were apparently very worried when I didn't come back last night.

"Where's Louis?" Is the first thing Liam asks as he steps in, scared to have a conversation if he's around to hear. I walk over to the kitchen with my head down. This headache is killing me.

"I don't know. He's obviously avoiding me" I admit and Niall laughs. Liam nudges his shoulder and causes him to cut it off right away. It's really weird how he can find the humor in anything, but as exhausted as I am, all I do is flip him off.

"Well what happened?"

Liam asks and then I go on for what feels like hours about what I remember from the night before. Liam and Niall both seem oddly interested in what I have to say. I can tell by their faces that they know something that I don't. That always bothers me. So I go on for a good fifteen minutes about how Louis had bruises all over his body after fighting with Sandy. Weirdly enough they don't seem as surprised and confused about it as I am.

"So what are you going to do now? I mean, you can't live here anymore. It'll be awkward." Liam says.

"Yeah he has a point. How are you supposed to contain yourself? That man is outrageously handsome." Niall says and catches me off guard. Hey, that's my ex he's talking about.

"Wh- Niall?" I stutter, completely confused considering his relationship with Ellie. Niall laughs.

"Every guy is gay for him, okay?" He says and all three of us start laughing but Niall seems to be dead serious and that kind of makes me realize how attractive Louis really is. He has both genders after him, so he is literally everyone's mancrush. That sure says a lot.

"Well, I think I'm going to visit my mother. Stay with her a for a while."


I can't avoid him forever. I should have known from the beginning that relations with Harry would affect our living situation. Even though I'm the one who started this mess, I should still be able to be in my own apartment. Not grabbing my shoes and running off to Zayn's place as soon as I want to avoid conflicts with Harry. He should leave in that case. It is my apartment after all.

"Harry?" I call out as soon as I walk back into our apartment later that evening. There's no answer. Don't tell me I barged in on Zayn in vain? He has to be here. I slowly walk through every room. By the looks of the dishes on the sink I can tell he's had company over. The entire apartment is spotless. All of the empty bottles and stuff from last night have completely vanished. Harry is home. I walk over to my bedroom. It is the last room of the apartment, he has to be in there.

"Harry...? What are you doing..?" I ask completely confused by the sight. He's packing his bags. What the..? Where is he going? Is he going to leave? Live somewhere else? I'm so confused and quite frankly hurt. Harry barely gives me a glance. He just keeps pressing his clothes into his suitcase.

"If this is about last night, I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"Save it." He interrupts. Wow, what has gotten into him? "I appreciate everything you've done for me, Louis, I really do. But I need a break." He explains but still leaves me confused. He sighs and continues. "I'm going to live with my mother for a while."

"There's no need for that you can just stay here. We can work things out. Find a way to be friends I-"

"Like today? You snuck out in early in the morning just to avoid me!" He says with anger in his tone. I don't say anything to defend myself because he is right. I did hurry to Zayn's place as soon as I woke up just to avoid confrontation about everything last night. I could have handled it better.

"I'm sorry..." Is all I manage to say.

"I'm sure you are." He says with sarcasm. I'm not used to see him this pissed at me. It's so unsettling. Makes me feel like an idiot. A complete jerk. How can I be so stupid and manage to make the most precious smile in the world go away? "Take care, Louis." He says and places his hand on my shoulder. He looks me straight in the eyes, causing my heart to race, but then just walks right past me.

"Harry" His name just slips out of my mouth. He slowly turns to me with his curly helmet hair, black t-shirt and plumb lips. I clear my throat. "I meant what I said last night."


Don't worry. I'm not going to drag this one out and make several chapters about how miserable they are when Harry's away. I know how boring that can get. No, I will skip the amount of time he's there and just get on with his return on the next chapter right away.

Love always, S.

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