Chapter 45.

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Three days later.

I'm sitting outside a cafeteria in the center of town. I like to sit outside, cause then I can distract myself much easier. The lightly cold air breezes and sends shivers through my entire body. I'm observing everything and everyone around me. Everything suddenly appears completely different to me. It is as if my sight has been renewed and i'm seeing everything in a different perspective. The world is just so much more than it seems, and you can tell so little by the looks of it. It is so easy to judge a book by its cover and that bothers me more than it should.

"Well well. What do we have here"

I hear a thick voice say behind my back. I slowly turn around to see the second most disgusting face in the world. Sandy. His platin blonde hair is showing beneath his beanie, and his tattoos are covering every inch of his body except for his face. My heart sinks as the man sits down on the chair in front of me. I'd like to tell him to leave me alone, but the confident smirk on his face frightens me, so I decide against it.

"So have you spoken to your boyfriend recently?" He makes a sincere question sound like an insult. I nod and refuse to look at him. I just keep staring at the cup between my hands, but I can't help but to get distracted by his muscular tattooed arms. "Has he told you?" He begins and I immediately grow angry.

"That you're stalking him? Yes, he has. You should really cut it off! It's getting out of hand." I say and feel my legs shake as I'm defending Louis against this guy who is much bigger and stronger than me.

"Hey now! Stalking? Is that what he told you?" He says and captures my attention. I raise my gaze and look at his serious face. Even though there is a small grin there, I'm still confused. "Listen here, mop head. Louis came to my apartment on his own."

"Your apartment? He said you came to his work?"

"Well that's bullshit. He came to my place completely out of the blue. We hung out, had a couple of beers... and... well. One thing lead to another..." He says and I can feel my stomach turn. I shake my head. No way. Why would I believe a word this guy says?

"You're lying." I say without even letting him finish. I don't want to hear it. Louis didn't cheat on me. No. That's not him. He would never hurt me like that.... Would he?

"Let's be real here. Louis is a liar. Always has been, always will be."

"No he's not. Stop talking about him that way. You dont know him like I do!" I say and feel my entire body heat up. Lips trembling. I clench my hand into a fist and but try to keep calm.

"Come on, he has lied to you before, hasn't he? Why wouldn't he now?"


I scream and throw my cup on the ground. That stupid grin of his reapears and I just walk away from there. I think the reason this is actually getting to me is because I know Louis has lied before. He didn't tell me he was gay, I had to find that out on my own, didn't I? But he wouldn't lie about this... He wouldn't.

The entire way home is a blur. I don't even know how I got home or how it even went that fast. But I somehow just made my way through thousands of unfamiliar faces and ended up outside our apartment, just moments later. I take a deep breath as I rest my head against the front door. My heart is beating really fast and I can't even feel my legs at this point. I take a long deep breath and then gently place my hand on the door handle. I gently open the door and step in to the apartment. I don't even take my jacket or shoes off. I just drag my legs and force my body to function all the way to the living room. Louis is sitting on the couch all innocent. He's staring at the television screen until he notices my presence. Look at him. He's so precious. He would never hurt me.

"Harry?" He questions as he looks at me. He turns down the volume on the television. "Harry what's wrong?"

He asks in the most sincere way, with his angel like voice. Sandy lied. He must have. I mean look at Louis. He's so beautiful. He would never do that to me. I feel the lump in my throat grow as I take unstable steps towards him. I collapse on the floor in front of him and bury my face in his lap. He immediately places his hand on my head and starts caressing my hair.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asks. I lift my head so that i'm on my knees in front of him. He stares at me with concern in his blue eyes. I cup his face and kiss him passionately.

"I love you" I say and feel the tears running down my face. "So much."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Why are you crying?"

"I met Sandy today..." I say and I feel Louis thighs clench. I clear my throat. "He said some awful things about you but I didn't believe any of it. Cause you would never hurt me like that and I know it" I say and kiss his hands. His precious small warm hands.

"Wh-what did he say?" He stutters.

"He said you cheated on me. But I know there's no way that could be true." I say and look up at him, hoping to be met by his crinkled eyes. I'm disappointed when Louis eyes seem filled with sorrow and guilt. My heart aches when he silently stares at me, his eyes getting redder by the second. That look is enough for me to understand. He doesn't even have to say anything. His eyes tell me enough. My bottom lip starts trembling. "Louis he's lying, right?" I whisper. Louis takes a deep breath as I stand up on my unstable legs, repeating my self. "HE'S LYING! TELL ME THAT HE'S LYING, LOUIS!"

"I...." He presses. I don't want to hear the last part of this sentence. "I can't."

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