Chapter 81.

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I open my eyes to find myself in a familiar hospital room. Fuck. Not this shit again. I keep blinking, trying to adjust my eyes to the white light of the room. I notice that the room is filled with exhausted sleeping boys. Zayn and Liam are sitting on two chairs with their heads leaned against each other, sleeping with their arms crossed. Niall is not actually asleep, he's just sitting on the floor on the corner of the room playing with his phone. So focused that he doesn't notice that I've woken up. I then turn to see Harry sitting right next to me with his head rested on my thigh and one of his hands intertwined with mine. I can tell by the light shining through the window that it's morning. Gosh, did they all stay here the entire night? Usually when this happens it's just one or two of them here, but now every single one of them is here. I clear my throat and Niall's head quickly snaps up.

"HEY you're awake!" He exclaims loud enough to wake everyone up. Harry is the quickest to react. He lifts his head up and looks right at me with his tired eyes. I smile at him and before I know it he throws his upper body on me, embracing me with an emotional hug. He's actually squeezing me so tight that my nose and mouth is pressed into his shoulder, causing it to block my access to air.

"Harry I can't... breathe" I say with what's left of my voice. Harry quickly lets go and sits back on his chair, apologizing for squashing me like that. I just smile at him and shake my head. Poor thing must have been worried sick. He looks at me for a few seconds with an endearing look in his eyes. Endearing and heartbreaking. Even though I can see the fondness in his crooked smile, I can clearly see the fear and sadness in his eyes. I hate myself for worrying him like that. I wish I could control it, but when this happens it all just goes black and when I open my eyes I always find myself in this place. I can't help it. No matter how hard I try, I just can't.

"Were you worried about me, darling?" I ask and Harry blushes in the way he always does when I call him cute nicknames. That's why I love doing it so much, because he always turns so shy and cute. He doesn't even find the words to answer. He just shyly and sadly looks down at our intertwined hands nodding. The rest of the boys soon gather around the bed I'm in.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asks with concern in his voice.

"I'm okay" I say. There's really not much more to tell. Most of my body is feeling pretty numb right now and I'm just laying in bed so that's that. Harry starts caressing my face and pushing my hair back. Gosh he's so great. Look at him. I can tell that he hasn't gotten much sleep. His face is puffy and cute and his curly hair is all over the place. I can't imagine how worried he must have been all night. I'm so glad that the guys stayed with him so that he wasn't alone. Do I have the best friends or what?

"Doctor Nelson said I can take you home, but if you want we can stay here for a bit. You know, if you need to recover some more.." Harry says with his fond eyes and adorable dimpled smile, obviously looking forward to going home to sleep in a bed instead of these uncomfortable hospital chairs. But gentleman as he is, he has to suggest me staying here for the sake of myself. I object immediately and sit up. Staying here? No way. I'd rather not make a big deal out of that small little relapse. It was nothing. I'm fine. I'm completely fine.

"No no no. There's no need for that. Look at me! I'm fine!" I assure them and they all just look at each other shrugging their shoulders. Harry pouts at me and nods. That's why I love him. He always tries his best not to question me and my often bad decisions. I smile at Harry's precious amazing self. He just hasn't taken his eyes off me ever since I woke up. It's kind of creepy but also kind of sweet.... maybe... just a tiny bit. I lean my hand out and caress his soft cheek. He then leans into me and kisses my lips soft and slowly. I'm actually quite surprised. He usually doesn't take the initiative in front of the boys like that. But he did, and I'm proud.

"I know this might me irrelevant but... Did the goal count?" Niall asks, referring to yesterdays football game. We all start laughing. He always has a habit of taking a serious situation and turning it around and I love that about him.

"Of course it counted! You and Louis won, hands down." Harry says as the proud referee. Niall high fives me and just like that, everything goes back to normal. That's why I love these guys so much. They know that I hate when things get sad and serious around me so they do things like this. But they still show they care by doing things like tonight. Spending the entire night in a hospital together... I'm just so lucky to have them. Every single one of them.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. There's more to come and I would like to remind you that you can still affect the plot. So if you have some suggestions for the upcoming chapters, feel free to comment it.

Love always, S.

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