Chapter 18.

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Harry and I take the cab and as we sit inside, it occurs to me that we still haven't gotten a car of our own. Hopefully i'll get that promotion at work and not have to spend ages getting a hold of a taxi or taking the subway.

I turn to Harry and he's staring out the car window. His soft curls are covering his head like a helmet and it makes him look so innocent. My eyes go down and I suddenly catch myself staring at his hand. A part of me is telling me to grab a hold of it and just intertwine my fingers with his, but the other part reminds me that I can't. I am completely torn in this fine line between doing what's right and following my heart. And after what I found out today, I need to be realistic. But a huge weight would lift off my shoulders if I could tell him about... everything. But I don't want to. I have Liam, Zayn and Niall that know everything about me. I can talk with them. I don't need to tell him, do I?

Moments later we find ourselves in the theater watching the movie. Stupid enough I let Harry choose a movie, so here we are watching 50 shades of Grey. I've come across the trailer before, It seems horrible. And about twenty minutes into the movie there's already a sex scene, and they're basically baring it all. It is literally like watching porn. Terrible porn.

"I didn't know the movie was like this..."

Harry defends as another inapropriate scene takes place. I grab some popcorn from his lap and sigh.

"Haven't you seen the trailer? I told you it was no good" I snap and lean back into my seat. I begin rubbing my temples in a frustrated way. I really don't want to see the rest of it and hopefully he won't make me.

"Do you like these kind of stuff? Is that why you chose this movie?" I think out loud. Harry stares at me flushed faced. I didn't mean to start an awkward conversation but it's already awkward enough and quite frankly, i'd like to know.

"No of course not. If anything I find this type of coitus quite offensive"

"Coitus? Did you just say coitus?" I tease. I don't mean to make fun of him but I kind of find it funny that he has such a tended language. It's just so rare these days.

"Let's sneak out of here. I'm not watching 50 shades of shit" I say loud enough for the under aged girls behind us to hear. They give me offended looks and I just glare back at them. The fuck are they doing here watching this anyway? They look like twelve years old. They should go watch The Teletubbies or something.

"Sneak out? But we payed for this" Harry says innocently.

"So what? If I buy a burger and find bird poop in it i'm surely not going to eat it, now am I?"

I say, trying to make a point. But if anything it just makes the little girls behind me and Harry laugh. He giggles and covers his face. His dimples appear and I feel really pleased with my self. I love seeing him smile. 

"Fine let's go"

Moments later we find ourselves sharing a table at Mcdonalds. Harry is digging into his burger taking huge bites at a time. Poor guy must be starving. I hand him some of my fries to help him get full and satisfied. He gives me an innocent look that drives me crazy, as if he's asking for permission to eat.

"So where are we going after this?" Harry asks as he takes a sip from his coca cola.

"Home I suppose. Perhaps we'll invite the boys over?" I suggest and he doesn't seem to like it. He sighs and starts fiddling with the straw.

"Again?" He mutters like a grumpy child.

"Yeah?" I say questionably. He looks down at the table and avoids my gaze. I lean forward and push his curls away from his eyes. I love his hair but I hate it when it covers his gorgeous face. "What's the matter? Don't you like them?"

"That's not it... I just..." He begins but trails off. I don't let him stop just yet. I keep staring at him until he continues. He finally raises his gaze and tries his best to look me in the eyes. "I just prefer spending time with you. Only you."

He says in the sweetest way that causes my heart to ache. I worry that he might like me but I shake the thought out of my head. I take a deep breath and try to say something appropriate.

"But we live together. Don't you feel like we spend enough time with each other already?"

I say and he turns completely quiet. Fuck. That came out wrong. I didn't mean it in that way. I like spending time with him and I totally agree with him. I just mean that if we hang out ALL THE TIME he'll probably get tired of me.

"I mean..." I try to correct myself but Harry is already pretty pissed. He begins cleaning up our table and I almost want to tell him that he could just leave it on the table for the staff to clean up, but I know that it will just piss him off even more.

"Invite them."

He says flatly. He looks emotionless as if he doesn't care, but I know the problem is the complete opposite. He cares too much. He over thinks and exaggerates everything in his mind. That's one of the disadvantages of having him as a roommate, and probably the only. I stand up and stop in front of him, blocking his path. He's still really grumpy and it's driving me mad. I can't stand him being this upset with me. Especially not over such a tiny misunderstanding.

" D'you know what?" I say and snatch the plate off his hands. I put it back on the table and place my hands on his firm shoulders. I try my best to look at him but he's so stubborn and keeps staring down at our shoes. "How about we spend the entire day together tomorrow. I have an early shift so we can spend the rest of the day doing whatever we feel like. How does that sound?"

Harry lights up.

"So we can do anything I want!?"

"Anything you want."

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