Chapter 10.

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"What do you think about this one?"

Louis says and stands in front of a pitch black BMW. It's not a late model at all but it sure looks affordable. Yet I sigh and cross my arms. Trying my best to contain my patience. After spending the night together I barely got any sleep. Louis's phone got a call every five minutes. His ex girlfriend is extremely obsessed and I would honestly be worried if i were him. Louis didn't react on a single call all night. He slept like a baby whilst I couldn't bare it. Guess he's used to it by now, but I really think he should change his number. So yeah, that's why i'm so tired and grumpy.

"Louis, I thought we were going to buy a matress. What are we doing looking at cars?" I whine.

"I need a car, and thanks to you I will be able to afford it. So stop being such a bore and help me choose one" He teases. His face full of excitement. 

"Well I like this one. Unless you'd rather go with that white Bentley we looked at earlier?"

"It was a bit expensive to be honest with ya. I like this one better."

"Sure. Black and simple. Seems suitable if you ask me."

I say and admire the freshly clean, smooth black surface that the car holds. I lean down and glance through the window. Leather seats? Nice. This feels like a great start. It's almost like Louis and I are a real couple. Walking around here, buying a car together. I really wish that we were in a relationship to be honest. I would look at everything so differently then.

"So should we buy it or..?" I ask.

Louis seems ready to give me the answer yes, with a proud smile. But just as he opens his mouth his eyes lock behind me and the smile slowly fades away. Suddenly he goes from excited and happy to pissed and a bit worried. I frown at him. 

"What's wrong?"

I question. He tries to shake it off but I can still see the worry on his entire face. Louis doesn't seem like a person that is very good with hiding his emotions. He seems to be wearing his heart on his sleeve. But something tells me I could be wrong.

"Nothing, i'm fine. Can we leave?"

"Leave? What about the car?"

"We'll buy it tomorrow. Come on now, hurry." He says and pulls the sleeve on my sweater. I hesitate and stand my ground. He looks me dead in the eyes. "Now."

He demands and physically drags me out of the building. He has a firm grip of my wrist. I had no idea he was this strong. I'm surprised, impressed, yet a bit worried. Why is he acting like this? When we get out to the parking he quickly waves for a cab to stop. I snatch away from his grip and stop on the sidewalk. At this point we are both out of breath from all the running.

"Why are we rushing!? What about the car? What about the mattress?"

"We can go get them tomorrow, but right now we really need to go."

"Louis, what the hell is going on? Can't you just tell me?" I'm almost shouting now. He turns silent for a moment and sighs.

"Please just get in the cab. I'll explain later, I swear."

He says and holds the cab door open. He is struggling with his breathing more than I thought he would. The length we just ran couldn't possibly have been that bad.

I hesitate at first. He is hiding something and I need to know what. I am living with this guy and he knows more about me than I ever thought he would. I look at his flushed, panicked, frustrated face and realize that for whatever reason, I need to let this go for now, and listen to him.

"Fine. But you're telling me everything later, okay?"

"Okay. Now hurry up."

He says and pretty much shoves me inside the car. As we get in we both put our seat-belts on in a rush and Louis practically shouts our address to the cab driver. I meet the confused driver's eyes in the mirror and tell him to hurry. Before we know it we're out on the road. As we drive off Louis lets out a big sigh. He tilts his head back, closes his eyes and just tries to regain his normal breathing. He starts coughing and puts his hand on his chest. His face turns a bit red.

"You okay?"

I ask, worried about him, even though I should probably be mad. He keeps coughing until his throat completely clears out. I'm getting really worried now. I pat his back in an attempt to help him. I don't really know what to do in these situations.

"Louis what is going on!? Are you alright!?" I keep trying to assure. He coughs one last time and nods.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just got something in my throat.." He says with an extremely raspy voice.

"You sure? I mean, we could ask him to drive us to the hospital"

"No! No. I'm fine. I promise."

"Are you sure? That seemed serious... Maybe we should drive to the hospit---"


He shouts. His voice is still hoarse as hell. His face and throat are both red and I don't understand why he's refusing to go to the hospital. I'm taken back by his lash out. But I try to keep calm. Whatever is going on, he will definitely have to explain when we get home. I want to know why he ran out of the building. And i need to know what just happened. We ran a few meters and he could barely breath after that. That's not normal. I mean, considering his fit body, he should have no problem with his stamina. And suddenly my thoughts are interrupted completely.

"Stop the car."

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