Chapter 78.

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Another night means another party. Same old stuff everyday. Even though I should be enjoying this, I'm not. At least not anymore. I had already grown tired of it before I left, so now that I'm back I'm not in the mood for it at all.

I'm sure many 21 year old guys would love to be doing this every day. Hanging out with friends, drinking, smoking, and having girls literally throwing themselves at you. But it's not like that with me. I sure enjoy hanging out with the guys but I would much rather just stay home with Louis. I enjoy drinking but the hangovers are the worst and I hate not being able to remember shit.

And what's left? The girls? Well I'm gay so no matter how beautiful or great these girls can be, I never even consider being with any of them. Besides, even if guys would flirt with me I still wouldn't go for it. The only guy I have my eyes on is standing right in front of me. He is the only one to have caught my attention. He's standing here in line, waiting along with me and the boys to get into the club. As Liam is cracking a joke Louis laughs and covers his mouth with his hand as an old habit of his. The sides of his eyes crinkle in the most adorable way that makes me want to grab him and plant kisses all over his face.


The security guard asks in a very intimidating way. He's completely bald, wearing nothing but black and sunglasses. Liam says our names, the guard checks the list and lets us in. When we get in it is a unusual sight for once. This is the first time they've taken me to this particular club. It is quite expensive here so that sure explains it. Guess they wanted to go somewhere extra fancy to celebrate Liam's promotion.

We find ourselves some comfortable seats in the corner of the dance floor. We sit down and take our jackets off. My eyes set on Louis when he removes his jacket and reveals the familiar blue shimmy buttoned up all the way. It is one of my shimmies, I can tell by how big it is on him. He has folded up the sleeves to make it look less over sized. I'm actually quite flattered that he borrowed something from me. It is just something very attractive about him wearing my clothes. He should do it more often. I don't even realize that I'm staring at him like a creep until he calls me out on it.

"What's wrong?" He suddenly asks.

"Nothing, it's just... the shirt. It looks good on you." I say. His adorable gorgeous face lightens up and before I know it he is covering his mouth again. Not wanting to bless me with his smile. Is he shy about it or something? Cause he really shouldn't be.

"Who's up for shots!? It's all on me, lads!"

Liam shouts and places several drinks on the table. Guess he got a really good raise with his promotion. Not that it matters, considering his parents are rich. But I'm so happy for him. We all are. He's just such a nice person that we all feel kind of blessed when we get to see him like this. All smiley. I can see it in everyone's eyes. Everyone looks so proud of him. Their smiles just lighten the entire place up. It's either that or the fact that they're getting free drinks that puts the smiles on their faces. Either way I am pleased.

"A toast to Liam!"

Niall shouts and we all clink our glasses together and begin the drinking.

Tequilas, Cocktail's, Margaritas, Beers, Vodka. We ordered every single thing on the menu. It didn't take long until Niall got on to the dancefloor and started dancing and grinding on two brunettes. Eventually Liam joins in, so that Zayn, Louis and I are left by the table. The music is so extremely loud that we have to literally shout to each other just to have a conversation. This is a smoking zone so of course Zayn eventually smokes a couple of cigarettes. He offers me one but I politely reject it as Louis' eyes glare at me. It's probably hard enough for Louis to have Zayn smoking right next to him. I'm so proud of him for not having a cigarette, even though he's staring at Zayn with every single drag. I can tell that he wants to. He really really wants to.

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