Chapter 51.

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The road is surrounded by a beautiful view of the skyline. I stare out and enjoy every part of this beautiful city. The radio is on but it's not a song I recognize, so I can't sing along as I usually do. But something is feeling very different this ride. Louis is barely looking at the road. He keeps glaring at me from time to time and I have no idea why. But every time I catch him he turns his eyes back on the road. He bites his under lip in a really hot way that frustrates me. I grab my water bottle and drink some of it. I feel Louis eyes glued on me and I thank god that this is a quiet road, otherwise we would crash any second now. Our eyes meet several times in the mirror. His eyes are wild and intense. But I'm kind of licking my lips on purpose to tease him. Not that I think it's working, but it's worth a shot. Louis suddenly turns the car and stops it at the first available spot he sees. I look around confused. This can't be where Ellie's party is held, can it? There are literally no buildings around here.

"Why did you stop here?" I ask. Louis reaches for the pocket of his jacket and brings takes out his cigarette pack.

"I need to smoke" He says flatly. Seriously?


I question. He doesn't even answer, he just gets out of the car and closes the car door behind him. I sigh and look at him as he lights his cigarette and walks around in circles. Damn I'm getting tired of this. He has a habit of doing things at awful timings? We're going to be late now. A couple of weeks ago I would manage, but I don't have to put up with this shit anymore. I groan and get out of the car. I close the car door aggressively and take firm steps towards him.  Without any heads up I snatch the cigarette right out of his fingers and throw it on the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He snaps. I've never seen him been this angry at me before but I don't care at this point. My legs might be shaking and I might have never felt this intimidated by him before, but it doesn't matter.

"I'm tired of your shit Louis! Drive me to that stupid party and then you can smoke as much as you'd like."

"If you're that tired of me then why did you come back, huh? You could've stayed with your mother, I was doing completely fine without you." He almost shouts. "I never asked for you to come back"

"Well good luck sleeping with your ex that keeps beating the shit out of you then." I say and I can tell by his face expression that my words stung. But I don't care.

"HEY! Don't fucking walk away from me!" Louis says as I walk back to the car completely ignoring him. He pulls me by the sleeve of my shirt so that we're face to face. Even though he's strong enough to turn my entire body his way, I can still tell that he's trying to be gentle with me. We're barely an inch away from each other as he looks at me with his glossy blue eyes. "Stop acting like you know me, pal. You don't know shit!"

I feel my legs lose all strength and I suddenly want the ground to swallow me up. That was pretty low of me. I shouldn't have said that. And you know what? He's right. I don't know shit. I don't know what he's been up to these last weeks. I don't know how his childhood was. I don't know why him and Sandy fought. I don't know what he used to take medication for. I don't know anything.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry... I don't..." I stutter, not even knowing what I want to say. Louis finally steps away from me. He starts scratching the back of his neck and suddenly seems genuinely worried.

"Forget it. We're late. Get in the car" He spits.

"N-..." I try to stand my ground but my body is not cooperating with me. I try again. "N-no" I stutter. Louis, that has just placed his hand on the car door handle, slowly turns to face me. I can see the wrath in his eyes. That is pure anger right there. I should be scared now. I should back off. I've seen Louis hit guys. He doesn't hold back. I shouldn't be pushing his limits like this. I'm playing with fate.

"What do you mean 'No' ? He mocks and lets go of the door handle. "What is your problem?"

"I just don't feel like going anymore"

"Don't feel like going??" He questions and starts laughing. "What is up with you? You go away for a couple of weeks and come back with this terrible attitude and ripped body and-and this stupid shirt that you haven't even buttoned up and what is up with your koala hair?" He mocks and I start to feel really conscious of my appearance. I can't tell if he's complimenting me or if he's making fun of me. All I know is that I feel silly either way. "I mean look at you! There's no wonder I'm not over you"

And that's were my chest stiffens. Did he just admit that he's not over me? That he still has feelings for me? Louis notices that I caught up on that and quickly looks away.

"I..." It's like he's suffering as he tries to speak. Whatever he was about to say is soon changed. "Come on... We have a party to attend"

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