Chapter 2.

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I take another puff out of my cigarette. The wind is cold and the sky is pitch black. I really wish I had a balcony in my apartment rather than having to come up here or down the streets to have a single smoke. I used to smoke inside my apartment until I got told off about it. The guys are in my apartment and I have to return soon before they break something. My mind starts wandering as my cigarette is getting smaller and smaller. I suddenly hear a noise. It's the elevator. A guy comes out of it and walks right onto the rooftop. That's odd. I'm usually the only one up here. And I've never seen him before either. Does he even live in this building? I keep staring at him trying to see what he looks like and what he's doing but it's dark out and he's a couple of feet away from me. All I can notice is his curly hair and the fact that he's walking kind of funny. He gives me a simple glare and acknowledges my presence, but soon ignores me and carries on with what he was planning to do. I think he might be drunk. He walks to the edge of the roof. Is he going to throw something? Look out? Spy on someone? I have absolutely no idea.

He suddenly balances on the complete edge. My heart suddenly falls out of my chest as I realize what he's about to do, and my feet immediately take action. He's not going to jump, is he? I drop my cigarette and step on the remains. The boy looks up at the stars and whispers something to himself. As I get closer i hear him counting down. "3... 2..." My brain immediately knows what he's about to to. I hurry and just as he says "1" I grab a hold of his arm within the second he's jumped. The weight of his body catches me of guard and I'm putting all of my strength in keeping a hold of his hand. He stares up at me with his bloodshot widened eyes.

"What the hell are you doing!? Let go!"

He screams with an extremely hoarse voice at the top of his lungs. I shake my head and try my best to pull him up, but I'm just not strong enough.

"I'm not going to, so you better help out! Grab my other hand!"


"Grab my other hand or you'll pull me down with you!"

I lie. If he doesn't help out his hand will slip and he will fall. I obviously won't fall with him, but I need to say something that will get him to help the situation. I need him to grab my other hand so I can pull him up properly.


I plead. He hesitates but obliges at last. He grabs my other hand and I finally manage to pull him back up. When we're sitting there safe I'm completely out of breath. He buries his face in his hands and starts crying. I push his hands away and try to see his face so that we can communicate properly. His eyes are completely red around his green orbs. He refuses to look me in the eyes. The pale skin of his and the trembling of his body is obvious. He must have taken some kind of drug or something.

"What have you been taking!?" I ask. He refuses to answer and just cries more. I put my hands on his shoulders and shake him. "Tell me!"

"Overdose..." He finally says. His voice is deeper than expected.

"Overdose? Overdose of what!?" No answer. He leaves me no choice. "You have to vomit. It has to come out! All of it!"

"No." Stubborn one he is.

"Do it now or I'll have to call the ambulance"

"But I want to die, why can't you just let me die!?"

"You're not going to die, okay? Now listen to me. You have to throw up. You have to get it all out of your body. Do you understand?"

To my surprise he nods. I encourage him further and force him to push his fingers into his throat until he throws up. I look away when he does it because it's not a very nice sight. He vomits twice and i encourage him to keep going until nothing's left. The sight is horrendous. What seems to be dozens of pills leave his body. He has taken incredibly many. He keeps going but after a while nothing comes out anymore except for coughs.

"That's all of it I think..." He almost whispers.

"Okay good, now come with me."

I say and help him back into the elevator. We stop at the fourth floor where i live. I carry him to my door. 306. I ring the bell and wait for someone of the boys to open it. I can't unlock the door while carrying his heavy body by myself. Suddenly the door unlocks and opens. I'm stood face to face with Niall that looks completely confused.

"What the..."

"I'll explain in a second, just help me carry him to the bed, will ya?" I say completely out of breath. He nods and helps me carry this stranger to my bed.

"What took you so long, Tommo?"

Liam says while playing FIFA with Zayn. They both turn to me and don't notice the situation until then.

"Who the hell is that?" Zayn asks.

"He tried to jump down the rooftop. He seems completely absent... He took a overdose as well" I explain.

"Shouldn't we call an ambulance?" Niall suggests. Harry grunts from the bed.

"No please don't..." He mumbles.

Liam drinks the last of his beer bottle and Zayn turns the game off. I scratch the back of my head while trying to figure out what to do next. Niall gets a glass of water and gives him it. He drinks up immediately.

"I get that you saved him, Louis but... Bringing him to your flat? You realize he can be some kind of psycho murderer, right?" Liam tries to whisper.

"I'm not a murderer" Harry mumbles.

"Just a psycho then?" Niall adds.


Zayn defends and slaps him. I chuckle. Well they do have a point. I need to ask this guy some questions.

"Where is your family?" I ask him. The boys all turn to him and wait for a answer. But he refuses. "Don't you have anyone that i can call for you? Your mom? Dad? Friend? Girlfriend perhaps?"

He shakes his head and laughs at the last assumption.

"I don't have anyone to call because no once cares about me. Period."

"Where do you live then? I can help you get home or something" I suggest.

"What is so difficult to understand!? I don't have anything! Okay!? I have no place to stay, i have no one that cares about me and i have absolutely nothing to live for!"

"What a sad little man" Liam whispers and i cover his face with my hand.

"ANYWAY. I was thinking that you could stay here in that case. Just until you get back on your feet"

"Louis think this through" Zayn whispers in my ear, quiet unlike others. "What if he tries again and you'll get the blame for it? You can end up in jail"

"I appreciate your concern but I don't think he's a threat to anyone but himself." I say loud enough for him to hear. He just cuddles further into the bed.

"Get some rest now uhm...?" I say and reach my hand for his to shake. He smiles at me with tired eyes.

"Harry. Harry Styles."

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