Chapter 59.

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Awoken by the ambience of the busy city streets has never been as wonderful before. Never would I have thought that I would enjoy this as much as I am. It is just so indescribable to wake up all cuddled up in a thick blanket with Louis. The lightly cold breeze causes me to press my body even further into his warm skin. I lift my head from his chest lazily and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. It is just so calming to see how peaceful he is when he sleeps. I could honestly lay here all day and adore every bit of him. Like the way his little tummy carefully rises as he breaths. Or the way he unconsciously pulls me closer into him when it gets cold.

Funny thing is. Even though he's right here, I miss him. I know it sounds really cheesy and stupid, but it's true. I just really want him to wake up. I want to see those mesmerizing blue eyes once more. Just for a split second. I want something to remind me that this is real. That we did kiss last night. And that we did indeed fall asleep in each-others arms. Cause for some reason it feels like it's all been some big illusion.

I gently trace my fingertips along the line of his stomach all the way up to his chest. His collarbones are so visible. It's like he's getting skinnier every day, slowly fading away. I need to get him to eat more somehow. All this drinking and smoking is clearly not healthy for him, or anyone in that matter. He's just so influenced by the other boys... Sometimes I wonder if that's a good thing.

Suddenly his eyes flutter open with his long lashes. Before I know it he's looking up at me, blessing me by his ocean blue eyes. I immediately find myself smiling. He hasn't even said a word yet. That's the kind of effect he has on me. Imagine.

"I've missed your fringe" He says with his raspy adorable voice as he runs his fingers through my curls. Well, of course I end up with my fringe all over my forehead when I don't get the chance to style it and put hairspray. Seems like he prefers my old look more.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine." I tease. Causing him to give me the most precious smile ever. He gets all giddy like a 12 year old and hides his face behind the pillow. I chuckle and feel a flow with emotions. Why can't it be like this all the time? Does it always have to be a bunch of drama in our way? The worst thing about moments like these is that I'm never able to enjoy them. I'm always reminded that this will probably not last and that he will have a fit out of nowhere and push me away. Like he always does. "We kissed last night."

"Harry..." He groans and covers his face with his hands. Clearly frustrated. He has literally just woken up, and here I am, already suffocating him with my ridiculous need for confirmation. Suddenly we're rudely interrupted by the loud noise Louis' phone makes when he gets a text message. He sighs and grabs the phone, holding it up for us both to read. It's a message from Zayn.

*Where are you guys? We're outside your apartment. Get here NOW! It's important!*

It says. Louis and I both frown at each other. What the fuck? What is going on? We both immediately grab our stuff and walk towards the elevator. As we're walking with the blankets and pillows in our hands Louis gives me a cheeky look.

"And for the record, YOU were the one that kissed ME." He says and steps into the elevator. What made him feel the need to make that clear? I shake my head. He's being so silly. It doesn't matter who kissed who. What matters is that no one really stopped it, and that says a lot.

When we get down to our floor we meet up with the boys in the hallway. We beg them to tell us what's going on but they insist that we need to go inside the apartment first. To be quite honest I was worried that it was something bad that had happened, but they all seem so excited to announce whatever it is. They instruct Louis and I to sit down on the couch with our full attention. As we finally sit down, all three of them stand right in front of us debating which one of them that can have the honor to say it. After a moment of whisper excuses exchanged between them, they at last push Liam in front of them. This will be interesting.

"So. After all the shit that has happened lately, the boys and I felt like we needed a break from this place. From New York, from the weather, and most of all, from the people. So we thought... What better way to have a break than to go on a vacation, right? So....." Liam says, hoping Louis and I will catch on. I turn to Louis that has covered his mouth in shock.

"WE'RE GOING TO BARBADOS!" Niall exclaims. Completely stealing Liam's thunder. Louis jumps out of the sofa and jumps into a big group hug with them. I just sit on the couch confused. Where the fuck is Barbados? And why are we going there all of the sudden? And isn't that expensive? Who's even paying?

"We already ordered plane tickets and everything! We will be in a five star hotel by night time tomorrow!" Zayn adds. Louis just shines brighter than the sun itself. I'm so happy for him but... Are they even counting me in? I mean, I haven't worked for that long... I don't think I can afford a trip like that.

"I payed for you Tommo. Oh and Harry! I payed for you too!" Liam says and points at me. What in the world? Like, I know Liam is rich and all of that, but to pay for my ticket? To think after all this time, I've actually managed to make some real friends. This is awesome. This is exactly what we need. I shyly get off the sofa and hug them all, trying to show gratitude. They all just suffocate me by a big group hug with me in the middle. I don't know where Louis found these friends, or why they're being so nice, but I'm so happy right now.

Days together under the sun? Louis and I might even share a hotel room... This can change everything.

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