Chapter 93.

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"Wake up lovebirds!"

Is the first thing I hear in the morning. I squint my eyes open and am met by Niall and Liam in our bedroom. Louis is right behind me spooning me with his arm wrapped around me.

"Wakey wakey!" Liam repeats.

"How did you fuckers even get in here" Louis whines grumpily as he throws a pillow their way.

"I have a spare key in case of emergencies, remember?" Liam informs and I just wish I could get them both to just be quiet and leave us alone. I didn't sleep well last night, hints, neither did Louis. So for them to barge in here and wake us up this early in the morning is beyond me. What are they doing here anyway? Did we plan anything?

"Come on guys. Let's go get some breakfast in the diner! Pleaaaseeee" Niall whines, jumping like a child. I don't know where the hell I signed up for shit like this, but if the guys have their minds on something, we're going to do it. It's no choice.

It doesn't take long before they convinced us to join them. After forcing Louis and I out of bed we both got in our most comfortable clothes and followed them to the diner. There's a 80's themed diner right across the street from where we live. I mentioned the other day that I had still not eaten there yet, so of course, days later Niall and Liam would force me to try it. Next time they ask me about some place I'll just shut the fuck up instead.

"Here we are!" Liam exclaims as soon as we walk into the door. The theme is cool and all, but it's not anything out of the ordinary really. I mean, the menu is pretty basic and of course there are only a few people here. But then again, it is really early so that explains it.

I order some egg and bacon for myself and some pancakes for Louis as he sits by a table tired as hell. Poor thing. I feel bad for bothering him with my problems last night, but he did help out a lot. I go to join Louis by the table and serve our meals. Louis has his grey hoodie on with the hood up and some black sweatpants. I don't really dress like that so even though I'm just as tired as him, I went with some jeans and a t-shirt.

"Look! There's Anthony!" Niall says as soon as the familiar blonde guy walks into the diner with his sister. Niall stares at them for a while and I panic. Anthony and I haven't talked since I told him to stop texting me and just forget everything.

"Tell him to sit here!" Louis suggests and I squeak at him. "What? It's a great opportunity for me to apologize for punching him?" Louis says and I wish I could just turn invincible.

"Hey Anthony! Come here!" Liam shouts and I officially feel like the worst person on the planet. I feel my cheeks flush and heart pound faster as he walks towards us. I try to make myself less visible by sitting as close to Louis as possible.

"Hi guys! This is my sister." He says and acts completely normal. I feel a bit relieved but still scared as hell. He can out me at any second now, and I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

"H-h-hot" Niall chokes as she shakes hands with her. She laughs, luckily, but I just shake my head. Typical.

"Anthony, I feel like I owe you an apology for... You know..." Louis struggles with finding his words. This is probably the first time I've ever witnessed him apologizing to someone.

"It's fine. I appreciate the apology man" Anthony says and shakes Louis hand. They both smile and I just feel more guilty with every second. Before Anthony moves on to sit somewhere else with his sister he gives me a last glance. A glance with a gaze so strong that I felt like I was guilty of murder. Shit. I need to tell Louis. If I don't tell him soon, someone else will. We were in a car out in the open. Anyone could've seen us. I can get busted at anytime, so I'd rather have him finding out from me than anyone else.

"That felt good. I don't think I've ever apologized for something like that before. Shit. I feel like a fucking saint" Louis says and Niall and Liam laugh. What's so funny? I mean, sure Louis can be a bit sassy at times but come on. He's an angel. At least to me...

"His sister is so hot though!" Niall says and Liam agrees. Niall keeps staring at her from a distance and I feel myself get really irritated.

"Don't even think about it." I snap. They all look at me confused. He can't hook up with her. He just can't. What if Anthony told her about the kiss? She will tell. I know she will. I'm not taking that risk before I get the chance to tell Louis first.

"Why not?" Niall asks confused.

"She has a boyfriend" I lie. I just need everyone to stay away from Anthony and anyone he associates with until I've told Louis the truth. Simple as that. This tactic won't last long though. I need to tell him. I will tell him. Tomorrow, I swear.

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