Chapter 62.

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Why am I not surprised?

Of course Louis is not going to be there when I wake up. I know I didn't do or say anything wrong but one rookie mistake and he runs off. I rub my eyes to clear my vision. The bed sheets are all tousled and it's obvious that the daily maid hasn't been here yet. I yawn as I get dressed and start doing my hair. I might be really bothered by the fact that Louis rushed out of here without a simple "good morning", but the memories from last night keeps me going. No matter what I do I am constantly reminded of how amazing last night was. I push my fringe up and put on some hairspray, just to be reminded of the way Louis tugged and pulled at my hair. It was so intense. So raw and messy and perfect.

*We're at the breakfast buffet! Bring Liam with you. He's still asleep.*

My thoughts are interrupted by this oblivious text from Niall. I sigh and put the phone down. I want to tell him about last night and maybe ask for some advice... But Louis said, and I quote "The boys can't know". I don't know why, but I guess I'll just have to avoid questioning him this time.

I walk down the lobby and stop at the door for the room that Liam, Zayn and Louis are sharing. I knock on the door but there's no answer. I keep knocking obnoxiously and loudly until the door finally opens. I am met with Liam shirtless, wearing nothing but really low grey sweatpants. He's rubbing his eyes and yawning. The room is a mess. We've literally spent ONE night in this hotel and they've managed to completely mess it up. I feel bad for the maid when she gets here...

"Niall told me to bring you down to the buffet" I inform and he just groans and lays down in bed. He grabs a pillow and puts it on his face. I sigh and walk over to the window. I push away the curtains, bringing complete sunshine into the room which causes Liam to throw a pillow on me. "Come on now" I encourage as I unconsciously begin cleaning the room.

I suddenly notice something rather disturbing at one of the nightstands. Since Liam is to fed up with his hangover he doesn't notice anything. Pills. Who the fuck is taking pills? I pick it up and Liam suddenly flies off the bed. Before I get the chance to read what it's for Liam snatches it right out of my hand.

"Those are mine" He defends and holds it like it's his child. I'm so focused on the entire friends with benefits situation with Louis that I don't even ask him anything about it.

"Okay fine, whatever. Can we leave now?"

"Of course..."

This place has everything. Now I understand why Liam chose Barbados out of all places. It's not about the place, it's about the hotel. A five star hotel with great service and incredible food. There's so much to choose between. I'm so happy that we're not staying here for long, cause if we did I would gain a lot of weight. I fill my plate with more than I can handle, but better seize it while I still can. When Liam and I finish clearing the entire buffet, we find Niall, Louis and Zayn sitting by a table, obviously almost finished eating. They seem to just have some coffee and a nice chat at the moment.

"Hey sleepyheads!" Niall exclaims as soon as they notice us. I stare at Louis but he's not even looking at me. He is ignoring me in the most obvious way ever.

"I'm so hungover it's mad" Liam explains and rubs his temples. Zayn laughs and hands him a glass of water to help. Zayn is so sweet. He's like that underrated kindhearted guy that no one really gives any credit too. It's sad really.

"How was your hookup, Niall? Was she as pretty in the light of day?" Liam asks Niall and he immediately turns red.

"Don't know. I snuck out of her room as soon as I woke up" He admits and everyone bursts out laughing except for me. Considering that's exactly what Louis did to me, I don't really see the humor in it. Louis smirks to himself and traces his finger along the tattoos on his arm.

"Where did you go last night, Tommo?" Zayn asks and it turns dead silent. Every head turns to Louis and I just lean back and enjoy it. This will be good. Wonder what sort of lie he will pull this time.

"Yeah, Louis. Where did you go?" I tease and Louis jaw clenches. He looks at me with anger and frustration and I just find the whole situation amusing.

"Excuse me lads" He says and leaves the table. What the fuck? He was not even the slightest discreet? He completely avoided their question and the worst part about it is that they seem to be used to this. They're barely reacting. They just sigh and leave him be. Niall then nudges my shoulder and motions for me to follow him. I shrug my shoulders and he then kicks my leg under the table. "Go." He mouths. Okay, something's up. Otherwise Niall wouldn't be this on about me following Louis.

I walk out of the buffet and look for him. I finally find him standing in the middle of the lobby with his phone in his hands. Obviously texting with someone. As soon as he notices me coming he puts the phone away.

"Why did you run off this morning?" I ask. He sighs.

"Harry I already told you last night-"

"Oh I know. You wanted to be impulsive, right? That's fine. But was it really necessary to sneak out?"

"Yeah cause it didn't mean anything. You know that!" He defends. It is like somebody literally ripped out my heart out of my chest. How can this guy hurt me time after time and not even have the morals to consider my feelings first?

"Oh. I see how it is." I say and walk off. Louis grabs me by my wrist.

"Harry wait" He says. A voice in my head is telling me to walk away and not listen to a single word he has to say, but stubborn as I am, I stay. Hearing him out for once. "You... You told me you loved me." He almost whispers, as if it's something I should be embarrassed of.

"Yeah, because I do?" I admit. What did he expect? That I would blush and say sorry and tell him that I didn't mean it or that I was just caught up in the heat of the moment? No way. How come when he says he loves me it's all fine and cute, but when I do it's wrong and cheesy? It doesn't make sense. "I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it's the truth."


Can't thank you guys enough for the positive feedback! I've gotten loads of messages and stuff on my twitter and it just makes me so happy, you have no idea. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Twitter: ZeldaStylinson

Love always, S.

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