Chapter 47.

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"Thanks for letting me stay here..." I mumble as Liams helps me unpack. I didn't pack a lot, which I probably should have, but in the worst case scenario I'll just go get the last of my things some other day. Liam grunts as he drops the freshly cleaned blankets and pillows on my temporary bed.

"No problem mate. Sorry that it didn't work out between you and Louis by the way..."

I sigh. Yep. I'm sorry too. I take a good look around the guest room. It is bigger than the room I had as a child. Although it's pretty empty. Barely any furniture. Just the bed, wardrobe and a tall mirror. The rest is just... My stuff spread all across the bed and floor.

"How is it going with you and Nancy?" I cough, as a desperate attempt to change the subject. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay I guess." That doesn't sound convincing at all, but I honestly don't even care. I just asked to break the tension. I really couldn't care less at this point. All I can come to think about is Louis. Louis Louis Louis. "Oh well. Rest while you can, cause tonight we're gonna party"

Alcohol, drugs, girls, boys, music, dancing. Doesn't this ever get old? I sure am bored of it. I clink my glass with Liam, Zayn and Niall's as we call it the first drink of the day. It is already midnight and we have already spent two hours standing in line to get in. But as sexist as clubs can be they let every girl in first and let all the guys wait.

I honestly thought the boys would abandon me as soon as Louis and I broke up, but here I am in the club with them. It doesn't feel right though. It feels so empty and boring without Louis around. He's always the one who makes fun of everyone and throws shady comments at everyone. He's always the one to make us laugh and he's always the one to look after me. So while the boys seem to be focused on having fun, there's only one thought in my head. Where is Louis?

And just as I ask myself that exact question, I am answered by hearing Louis voice from behind me. I turn around just to see him standing in the middle of the dancefloor, being carried by his other friends Fred and Kyle.

"Look! There's Tommo!" Liam exclaims with a voice louder than the music. Smiles grow on each of their faces. Look what a positive effect he has on simply EVERYONE? Why can't I be like that?

"Do you mind or can we maybe...?" Niall asks sincerely. He doesn't even have to end the sentence. I know what he means. I nod and their smiles grow even bigger. They pat my back and hurry out to the dancefloor. Louis cheated on me, not them. So of course they can go and party with him. Who am I to stop them? Besides they were his friends first. I'm just this random stranger that showed up in the middle of october and expected to fit in. But I will never fit in anywhere.

I scratch the back of my head and let my long legs drag me to the bar. I don't even look back at them. I don't want to see how much fun they're having without me. I sit down at one of the barstools and just wait for my turn to order something from the bartender.

"Can I get you something?" A really off-putting male voice asks from right next to me. I turn around to face this bald man with a really disgusting grin. He must be at least 40 years old.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I say and leave the bar. Sure I wanted a drink, but there's no fucking way that I'm going to sit there alone and let a 40 year old hit on me with no sense of personal space.

I decide to go into the dancefloor and join the boys. I don't care if it's akward cause drunk Louis is there. As long as I feel safe. Luckily Liam has some drinks by his table so I just need a little bit. I don't want to get as drunk as Louis is. I just want to be intoxicated enough to be able to dance without a care in the world. So one shot. Two shots. Three. That will do.

I begin dancing and dancing and I completely ignore the women trying to get at Louis, I try my best to just focus on myself and on having fun. There's no reason for me to be jealous anymore. We're not together any longer. I suddenly feel two firm hands grip my hips, and a unsettling feeling washes over me as this stranger starts grinding on me from behind. I turn around to see that it is the same old guy from the bar. I try to push his hands away but he's much stronger than he looks. I panic and look around to see where the fuck all the boys went. Liam is all the way across the dancefloor by his table along with Zayn. Niall is nowhere to be seen and neither is Louis.

"Let go of me!" I plead. The man just keeps dancing in the rythm of the music, not realizing that it's making me highly uncomfortable. I try pushing him away but never have I ever realized how weak I am until now.

"Over here pal!" I hear this familiar voice call. That's when the man turns around and gets punched on the face by no one less than Louis fucking Tomlinson. I gasp as the man falls to the ground and Louis seems dizzier than ever. It doesn't take a second before the guards come and escort Louis out of the club. He gives me this look that is really difficult to read. Whatever was on his mind in that moment, it made my heart shatter into pieces. Why would he do that? Why does he tell me that he doesn't care but then does things like this to prove the opposite? No I need to fucking talk with him RIGHT NOW. I'm going to confront him once in for all.

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