Chapter 88.

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With firm determined steps I make my way right out of the building and to the driveway where our car is parked. I feel rude for not bothering to say goodbye to anyone, especially the host, Zayn. But at this point I'm far to pissed to care a single bit. As I've made it halfway to the car I realize that I forgot my jacket inside but ignore it and keep going. It's not even that cold and Louis will just have to bring it with him later. It is pitch black outside apart for the street lights. The wind is howling and the air is fresh. The only noise outside is from the people and the music coming from Zayn's place. The rest is just the sound of the streets and the silent neighborhood.


I hear a voice call that belongs to the person I last want to see right now. I sigh and turn around just to see Anthony running up to me with my jacket in his hands.

"You forgot your jacket." He says breathlessly as he catches up to me right by the car. Completely ignorant to his kind gesture I literally snatch the jacket of his hands with no sign of appreciation at all.

"Thanks." I spit, clearly annoyed by his presence. Poor thing must probably be so confused, I've been sending him such mixed signals since day one. He's honestly just tried to deal with me in the best way possible and I've been such a dick to him. "I'm sorry for acting weird today. There's just been a LOT of shit going on lately..." I admit and lean my back against the car. I quickly realize that I should probably just go, it's not like he wants to listen to my problems. "Never mind I should just go. It's not like you care"

I say and open the car door. Anthony sighs and goes to the other side of the car. I put my seatbelt on and just assume that he's leaving, but suddenly I hear him opening the other car door and sitting down on the front seat next to me.

"I'm listening." He says. I most probably would kick him out of the car and just go home and be depressed on my own, but maybe talking about it will me more helpful? I mean if I go home I will probably end up doing something bad like hurting myself, maybe this way I will get to calm down a bit before I get home.

Time passes and before I know it I've talked to him for ages. AGES. I'm honestly surprised that he has managed to listen and seem interested for such a long period of time without a break. Obviously I didn't go into details about the whole Louis thing but I did tell him that a loved one is sick and that I'm having a hard time dealing with it and stuff. Surprisingly he was very understanding and gave me a lot of helpful tips.

I take a last piece of the sandwich I had saved for myself in the car and notice Anthony frowning at my lips.

"You got something on your lip" He points out and before I get a chance to fix it he reaches his thumb towards the bread crumb on my lip and gently rubs it off. He then rests his thumb on my plumb lips for a moment and shift from looking at them to looking right into my eyes. Before I know it I feel both our lips crashing on to each other. I feel a rush of excitement and regret immediately. I stop it as soon as it begins and feel my cheeks flush.

"We shouldn't be doing this, this is really really bad" I start stressing and Anthony looks at me with eyes of guilt. He leans away from me and starts rubbing his temples.

"Oh god, Louis" He mumbles.

"Exactly. I'm with Louis, I can't go around kissing other guys it's not right"

"No, I mean LOUIS is right there! He's is coming to the car!" He explains and I quickly panic. I turn around and see him just a few feet away from the car walking funny and aggressively. Oh my god, he saw it. He totally saw it I'm fucking screwed. With no clue what to do, out of pure instinct I get out of the car to explain myself and Anthony gets out of the car as well. Probably to run the fuck away from here. I know I would.

"It's not what it looks like!" Is the first thing I say when Louis walks up to me, putting my hands in the air as a sign of innocence.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Harry." Louis says and pushes me to the side. It doesn't take a second before I see him punching Anthony right in the face causing him to fall right to the ground. Everything happens so fast and I don't get a chance to digest any of it.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I shout and try to help Anthony up. Louis is obviously very drunk and angry but Anthony shouldn't get the blame for this. I've been leading him on all night.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend you fucking cunt!" Louis shouts at Anthony. Liam and Niall come out and hold Louis back from beating Anthony up further. Blood is already running down Anthony's nose and that's only after one punch. "Next time you show your face near him I'll beat the shit out of you, ya hear me!?"

Louis adds aggressively as Liam, Niall and Fred hold him back. I stand there not knowing what I should do. I feel so useless at this point. Louis is off threatening the guy that had spent the last hour listening to my problems and caring about every single one of them. Luckily, Anthony has sobered up enough at this point to be the reasonable one and not say anything to wind Louis up. He just covers his bloody nose and starts walking away, just like Liam keep repeating that he should do. Go, just go. As soon as Anthony is out of sight Niall, Fred and Liam let go of Louis. Suddenly all his anger shifts into a different sort of negative emotion. Sadness. Suddenly he looks more sad than pissed. He rubs his arms after the boys' strong grips. His eyes redden drastically and turn very glossy, as do mine. I just want to cry. I feel so guilty this is all my fault. Why do I have to mess everything up? I walk up to Louis and try to explain myself, putting my hand on his.

"Louis I-"

Is all I get out of my mouth before Louis snatches his arm away from mine with a look of pure disappointment and gets into the car. Should I follow him? I mean, he can't drive off alone. He's drunk. I turn to Liam, hoping for a sign of help.

"You can stay in Niall's place. I'll drive him home safely. " Liam whispers to me and gives me a comforting pat on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much." I breath. You'd think that this would calm down my nerves and be a relief, but I'm still feeling so guilty about so many things. My plan failed miserably, I will probably never see Anthony again, Louis isn't even looking or talking to me and I can't spend the night at home. Shit shit shit. I have to fix this.

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