Chapter 6.

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When Louis and i finally get off the taxi i am instantly nervous. The place is huge. It's an enormous mansion with a pool in the backyard, music loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear, and young adults and teenagers all over the place. I'm left standing right where the taxi driver dropped us, observing every single detail of it. With the dark blue sky the house almost appears to shine. I suddenly feel Louis arm around my shoulder. I'm quickly brought back into reality. He smiles at me and instructs me to follow him. I nod and go along. I better stay by his side through this night. He is the only one i trust at all at this party. With his arm still 'round my shoulders, he leads me to the front door. By the time we get there he has already high fived and greeted about five people outside. Smokers and drunks the whole bunch. When the door opens a familiar face greets us. But i can't seem to remember his name.

"Sup Liam!?" Louis almost shouts. Right, Liam was his name. Louis gives him a big hug with several pats on the back. They both have huge smiles on their faces.

"Tommo! You made it!" He says and then turns to me. My first reaction to the sudden eye contact with him was to avoid it. My eyes dropped to the ground within a second. I stood there staring at my shoes like an idiot. I feel Liam frowning at me confused.

"It's the guy from last night. Hope you don't mind" Louis explains.

"Oh! So sorry, didn't recognize you all cleaned up! Harry, was it?"

Liam says and quickly changes from confused to awkwardly nice. I nod and reach out my hand to shake his. He ignores the hand and gives me a hug instead. The way he pats my back isn't comforting as when Louis does it. He shrieks of vodka and cigarettes. Not an unusual smell but still not very nice to be the first thing to smell when you hug someone.

When we get in it is completely crowded. Almost impossible to get through the hallway. Louis is ahead of me but keeps looking back to see if he hasn't lost me. After a while he gets tired of worrying and grabs hold of my hand. I could almost not believe that we were walking past a bunch of his friends holding hands. Although i know it doesn't mean anything. He's just helping me get through safe.

At last we make it to the backyard. It is definitely not as crowded out there since it's a bit chilly out. Louis lets go of me as soon as we get out and walks over to a little "gang". I stay put next to the grill. Too insecure to introduce myself.

"Hey guys!"

He says and runs up to them. They all greet him with huge smiles on their faces. Well why wouldn't they. He is really fun to hang out with. The friends he is talking to consist of the guys from last night and two girls. One blonde with way to much sun powder on and a white short dress. Then a girl with colored red hair, extremely much black eye makeup and a black tight dress. They don't look bad at all. I mean, if i was straight i would probably give both of them a 10. Although their personality don't seem to be as pretty. But i can't judge before i get to know them, right?

Louis motions for me to come over. I gulp and nervously walk up to them. He once again puts his arm around my shoulder, except now he hands me a drink.

"Guys, you met him last night. Girls, this is Harry."

He says and lets go of me. He drinks up as they all shake hands with me, one at a time.

"He's cute"

The redhead says and i immediately blush. The blonde doesn't seem to disagree either. She nods along and starts caressing my hair.

"I love curly hair. It's so innocent and cute!"

She states. I huff at her comment but try to keep my comments to myself. Louis suddenly seems a bit uncomfortable as they both start flirting with me.

"Okay lad, you can't have both. So either the redhead or the blonde. What do you say?" Louis says and pushes them a bit away from me.

"Please choose the blonde, Ellie is mine" Niall says and everyone burst into laughter.

"In your dreams" She defends.

"Harry choose." Louis says.

"I'm not going to choose a girl based on looks, Louis" I finally say.

"Oh my gosh! He's so respectful of women. I want him!"

The blonde says and practically throws herself at me. I want him? Am i a puppy now? By the way, i think her name might be Nancy, cause her necklace says so. But that's just a guess.

Suddenly a brunette walks up to us very confident in herself. She is cute but she seems a bit young. Maybe she just has a young face, i don't know. She walks straight up to Louis and whispers something in his ear. He nods along to her words and then they both just disappear without saying a word. I look around but they seem to have gone inside. Minutes pass and they still don't return. I have a couple of drinks and keep my eyes wide open. He can't just leave me out here with these people? And who was she anyway? Does he have a thing for young girls now? And what are they going to do? I hopefully don't know the right answer to that.

"I'm just going to use the restroom..."

I lie and go back inside. If i don't find him i will panic for a thousand of different reasons. I make my way through the sweating dancing people and feel completely disgusted. I keep looking around trying to find him but he's no where to be seen. I suddenly see Liam taking some shots. I walk up to him and pat on his back.

"Liam! Have you seen Louis?"

"Uhm i think he went into one of the rooms on the left but i have no idea"


I say and walk to the left where there are two doors. How am i supposed to know which one he's in? I take a lucky guess and just open the first door handle i can reach. When i get into the dark room i feel the alcohol beginning to kick in just a bit. I turn the light on and before i get the chance to turn around i feel two hands covering my eyes. Lips approaches my ear and a soft voice whispers...

"What took you so long"

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