Chapter 50.

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Message from Liam:

"Harry, you have to come back home. It has been weeks and Louis is loosing his mind. We don't know what to do anymore! Remember how much he used to drink? Well, triple that! He's been really cocky and rude (more than usual) and none of us are willing to put up with it anymore. It's just getting worse. We've tried to help him sober up the last week, but it's hard. I don't know if it's going to make a difference if you come, but I know it's worth a shot. Besides, we miss having you around."

Message from Niall:

"Harry, remember when you told us you would be there for a "while"? Well I was expecting like a couple of days or so... Not a month! All heil broke loose when you left! You need to come back, man. Ellie prosponed her birthday party so we're going there today... I want you there. We all do. Take care bro."

I never imagined these guys would care enough about me to miss me this much. I haven't gotten a single text from Louis the entire time I've been here. But Liam and Niall have been texting a lot, but I haven't really read any of the messages except for these last ones they sent today. Truth be told, I never planned on staying here this long. A lot of shit went down and it just kind of happened. My mom miss-carriaged and quite frankly, I needed a break. It has been healthy for me to be here. I've had plenty of time to clear my head. I haven't been drinking, I haven't been smoking and I've actually been working out a lot. I needed some healthy way to get my mind of things so every now and then I took my mother's gym card and got a bit ripped.

But the guys are right. It has been too long, and I honestly miss them. Every single one of them. I miss caring Liam, I miss carefree Niall, I miss Zayn, even though we're not that close yet, and most of all I miss Louis. To be honest I'm kind of nervous about seeing him again. The last couple of times we saw eachother were awful. I just left with so many unanswered questions. He cheated on me and he did many things that I didn't like, but at the end of the day I love him to death. But I don't know what I should do when I get back.


I stand in front of the door to the apartment resting my forehead on the number 306. I take a deep breath and try to prepare muyself mentally. How am I going to go through with this? Am I supposed to just go along with everything fine and act like nothing ever happened?

I don't even greet him. I remembered that I still have the key to the apartment, so I just walk right into the apartment and hope for the best. And now here I am, getting ready for Ellie's birthday. I try to correct my tie in front of the mirror in the living room, while Louis is getting ready in the bedroom. I'm lucky that he hasn't left the room yet. He hasn't seen me yet.

After struggling with tying it I grow frustrated and give up. No tie then. I untie the terrible knot and and let the fabric hang down my shoulders. I sigh and throw it on the floor. I then unbutton a button on my light blue shimmy, and it looks oddly nice. I squint at my reflection and unbutton about two buttons more, and i'm kind of impressed with the look. Suddenly i'm interrupted by a loud knock on the front door. I expect Louis to go get it, but it seems like he didn't hear it from his bedroom. I grunt and make my way to the hall and when I open the door I am stood face to face with the sharp looking Zayn. This guy is seriously a fucking model. He is all fancied up, wearing a white shimmy and an impressive high class coat to top it off. I admire every inch of this gorgeous human being and that's when I notice that he's holding a familiar phone in his hand.

"Hi! You're back!" He exclaims and hugs me. Even though he didn't send me a single text, it is obvious that he has missed me. "Louis forgot his phone at my place last night so I thought he might need it.."

He says and hands me it. I thank him and put it on the table. I feel his eyes scanning me and it's making me a bit uncomfortable. He stares at me for a long time with a questionable look.

"Why are your titties out?" He suddenly points out with his Bradford accent. I look down at my visible chest and feel my cheeks flush. I immediately pull the fabric over my skin.

"I just thought I'd change up my look a bit..." I admit. Zayn smiles at me and grabs my hand, leading me to the mirror.

"You know you're gonna need to do a bit more than that to impress Loueh" He says. I kind of want to object and tell him that this is for me and not for Louis, but who am I kidding? Louis is the true reason I started working out and go tanning as well. "How about we change up your hairstyle a bit?"

He suggests. I'm really not that into experimenting with my looks and attire that much, cause I think I look absolutely awful in everything anyways. But why not? I've got some time to spare and I'm actually tired of my fringe covering my eyes all the time. My mom did trim my hair a bit when I was there but the fringe is still annoying the shit out of me. After a short period of time Zayn has managed to do a hairstyle that I'm still not allowed to see. I've been sitting on the couch as he has sprayed what feels like tons of hairspray on my hair. And now that he's finished the look he covers my eyes and places me in front of the mirror.

"What do you think?"

He says and removes his hands from my face. I open my eyes and I'm immediately speechless. How did he accomplish such a nice hairdo? And how did he get it to stand up so nicely? It doesn't even look like I have a lot of hair product on. I can barely recognize myself. The color of the shimmy is making me look really tanned, and now my eyes are visible for once. The green in my eyes is prominent and I'm actually not disgusted by my own reflection for once.

"Thank you so much... It looks great" I say and he pulls me into a hug. He pats my back and leans away within seconds.

"Glad you like it. But I have to go. I need to pick up Liam, but I'll see you guys there?"

He says and grabs his bag. I nod and smile at him. Louis has still not left his room and it's worrying me. I mean, didn't he hear Zayn's voice? Shouldn't he at least leave the room to greet him? It's a bit rude of him I think...

"Harry...?" I hear Louis' clear voice say behind me, but as I turn around he stares at me with wide eyes and chin dropped to the floor. It's Louis. Holy shit my heart is pounding like crazy. I've missed him so much. I almost forgot how breathtaking he was until now. His hair is up and neat, making his forehead and gorgeous blue eyes visible. Fuck, he's like a dream. "You look... Different..."

He chokes. And for once, instead of avoiding eye contact, I look right at him with as much confidence as possible. Louis steps closer and I suddenly feel my confidence sink and heart beat raise. His beautiful face approaches me and I'm completely stunned. He doesn't even need to do much to look absolutely perfect. He is literally wearing a white shirt, black skinny jeans and a grey blazer. He's not even wearing socks but he still looks amazing.

He stands just about a centimeter away from me and looks at my eyes and then further down my chest. My entire body stiffens as his hand suddenly reaches for the exposed area. I hold my breath. He holds the cross on the chain and looks at it for a silent moment.

"Nice necklace."

He says flatly and goes to the hall. I let out my breath and regain my breathing again. That was quite... Intense. I turn to Louis and he's already putting his shoes on and waiting for me.

"Let's go"

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