Chapter 5.

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After spending basically the entire day in front of the television Louis insists that he gets to help me get ready for the party. Louis goes up to the rooftop and finds my bag there that we left when he saved me. I was surprised that no one stole it and it's like a miracle in my eyes. But Louis said that no one ever goes up there except him so yeah. Anyway, after that he looks through my bag and throws everything that's not usefull on the floor. He is really messy but it doesn't bother me that much. I'm used to Joe turning our house into a huge trashcan. Louis doesn't seem far too impressed with my clothes. He makes repulsed faces when he sees my clothes. Especially my formal-wear.

"Okay how about these jeans along with this?"

He suggests and lays out my black skinny jeans and my white almost see-through shimmy. It's not something i would usually wear but i go with it. I just want to get this over with. I don't like parties and i never have. The only parties i've been invited to through my teenage years are the ones where girls giggle at me and guys bully me. So i haven't really had that good experiences with parties or friends in general...

"Hey, why the long face? Don't worry. There'll be a lot of alcohol there if you get bored." Louis encourages and pats my back with a sweet smile.

"Good..." I mumble and meet his gaze. I can't help but to smile with him. He glances down at his arm-clock and his eyes suddenly widen.

"Shit i have to get ready! Get dressed and find some nice shoes to go with that. I'll be in my room!"

He says and rushes away from the living room. I sigh and do as i'm told.

Not long later i am standing right by the front door, staring at the mirror on the wall. I'm not that pale anymore, and the redness in my eyes is almost completely gone. I glance down at my brown boots. I've always liked these. I got 'em from mom my last birthday and never had the courage to wear it in public... God i miss my mom. She would freak out if she found out that i live with a complete stranger.


I hear a voice ask a couple of feet behind me. I raise my gaze and see Louis in the mirror. I turn around and see him clearly. I'm completely out of breath. He stands there with his hair neatly pushed up, blue jeans, white shirt and black blazer. He cleans up nice. He looks so rich and high class.

"Oh my god..." I say under my breath.


"Nothing! I didn't say anything"

"Well, are ya ready?" He repeats. I nod.

"Yes... I am."

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