Chapter 65.

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The smartass Anthony says. Oh well, it's not his fault. He doesn't even know about me and Louis and our history. For all I know he doesn't even know that he's gay. Louis glares at Anthony with so much shade and hatred in his eyes. God. Louis is the only one I know that can throw so much shade and make you hate yourself just by looking at you like that. He looks at him from tip to toe, as if he's judging everything about him. He doesn't even say hi back. Zayn and the others walk in with their take away McDonalds food and they all freeze when they notice Anthony's presence. Well this is sufficiently awkward.

"I was actually just about to leave..." Anthony says when he notices that all the tension is aimed at him. He gets up from the couch and I want to object but it will probably be for the best if he leaves. I feel bad for him but asking him to stay will only make it worse. God it feels so weird. No one is saying anything. They're all just staring at him as he takes his stuff and leaves. As soon as the door closes complete silence fills the room. I clear my throat awkwardly. At last Niall is the one to break the tension.

"Burger?" He asks and hands me one. Before I know it everyone's trying to act casual like nothing just happened. They all sit down around the television and start eating and talking about the games they played. I barely listen. All that I can think about is Louis. He doesn't even join the others. He just turned like really quiet and went into his room. Niall sits down next to me. "So you decided to give Anthony a chance?"

"Kind of.."

"Well maybe you should at least talk to Louis about it first, you know?" He suggests. He's probably right. I mean, I would have. Obviously. But he was just being such a dick to me this morning that I didn't care to. He was just being so rude that I kind of wanted to piss him off by hanging out with Anthony. But I didn't think he would kiss me though. I wasn't prepared for that. And now I kind of screwed it up... I mean, he left and I didn't even try to stop him. I'm such and asshole... Oh well. First things first. I have to talk to Louis first of all.

I walk away from the mess that is Liam, Zayn and Niall. They're just so messy and loud, it's absurd. Anyway. I walk into the bedroom and close the door behind me, just to realize that Louis is changing and I completely just walked in on him. He's standing there, back facing me. Wearing nothing but his boxers and a t-shirt. When he notices that it's me he sighs and sits down on the bed and grunts with pain. His leg. He must've injured himself when they played soccer. It looks really bruised.

"What happened?" I ask, concerned.

"None of your business." He snaps. Wow, feisty. I just sigh and start searching the room for some bandage. There has to be some somewhere. I search all the cabinets and drawers and Louis just sits on the bed, rolling his eyes. Telling me how he's a grown man and how he doesn't need my help, but we both know he really does want my help and nourishment. When I finally find some bandage I sit down on the bed next to him and start wrapping it around the wounded area. He groans in pain and squeezes my shoulder roughly. It actually hurts. I had no idea he was this strong. He's always so gentle with me that I never get to know how rough he can be. "So did you sleep with him yet?"

He teases, even though he sounds completely serious. I shake my head and try to be the mature one here. I don't know if this is jealousy or if he seriously wants to know. Either way I just shake my head.

"Well he's ugly as fuck." He just HAS to say. Of course. Oh well, even though he's completely bashing a guy that I just was on a date with, I still can't help but to smile. "Why are you being nice to me anyway? I've been a complete ass to you all day"

"Yes you have." I answer back flatly. The bandage is on and hopefully this conversation won't end in another disagreement with mean comments, like this morning. I just want to make things cool between us and then go back to the boys. "I understand why though."

"You do?" He questions, in a rather worried tone. His eyebrows raise and he suddenly seems... afraid? I scratch the back of my head. I don't even know how to have this conversation with him or where to start. I take a deep breath.

"When we were in Barbados... I told you that I loved you, and for some reason that caused you to shut me out completely. Now I feel like there's something about me that you despite and hate, and I don't know what it is. If you actually hate having me around then I would like for you to tell me that. I don't need to keep living here if that's the case."

"What no no no! You've got it all wrong!" Louis surprises me by saying. He puts his warm hands on mine and tries to catch my gaze. I let him and immediately regret it when I look into his sapphire blue eyes. "I don't hate you. I hate Anthony but that's another story..." He says and I can't help but to chuckle. You know, normally, people will try to pretend that they like someone even though they don't. Louis is not like that. If he hates someone, he's upfront about it. He exhales and looks at me fondly. "There's nothing wrong with you, Harry. You're actually the most wonderful boy I've ever met. So I promise, it's not you it's-"

"It's not you, it's me. Right? Is that what this is?" I interrupt. He looks at me hopelessly, like I'm impossible to please. Well, obviously I'm not pleased! What I hoped would end up in happiness and love seems to take it's turn down the hill. He keeps rejecting me in every way there possibly is. I don't need to hear this. I've heard enough of it. "Thanks. That's all I needed to hear."

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