Chapter 96.

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Here I go. I open the door and step in to the dark hallway. I turn on the light switch and step over the mail on the floor. It is dead quiet except for the television on as usual. The apartment smells like a way it hasn't in a long while. Smoke. Fuck, did Louis smoke? He's gone so long without smoking and now I just fucked it up for him all over again.

It's like walking into a chimney. I step inside the kitchen. No one there. All there is are some uncleaned dishes and leftovers from what seems to be a very hasty breakfast. Didn't Liam spend the night here? How come it's so quiet then? He didn't leave him alone, did he? I walk into the living room expecting to see Louis on the couch, but no one's there. The TV is just on for no reason. I pick up the remote and turn it off. What the hell is going on in here? I notice a bunch of stubbed out cigarettes all around the apartment, but mostly on a ashtray on the coffee table. Not to mention the empty beer bottles surrounding the table. There's a mattress on the floor, confirming that Liam did indeed spend the night.

This is disgusting. To think that Liam would encourage Louis to smoke and drink when he knows how bad it is for his condition? I don't think I've ever been this disappointed in Liam. I expected more of him. That's the only reason I felt a bit calm about being away from Louis. I trusted that Liam would handle him in the best way possible. Guess I was wrong. Oh well, at least he kept him company, right?

Speaking of, suddenly I get an incoming call from, you guessed it, Liam. I frown at the phone and pick up immediately. Apparently he's not here anymore, so if he's with Louis I'd like to know where they are and when they're coming back.


*Hi! I just talked to Niall and he told me what happened. Are you in the apartment now?* Liam says on the other side of the line. I nod and then realize that he can't see me.

"Yeah. About that, why did you let him smoke and drink so much? The place is a mess" I say as I try to rub off the stain on our white carpet.

*What do you mean 'let him'? I wasn't even there!* Liam defends and I feel my heart skip a beat and face turn pale in panic. I suddenly see my surroundings in a completely different perspective.

"But if you weren't here... Who was?"

I ask when I suddenly hear the toilet flush from the bathroom. Guess I'm about to find out. For some reason I'm more scared then worried. This can be anyone. It can be a complete stranger, it can be Louis himself... Or even worse, what if it's Sandy!?

"I gotta go"

I whisper into the phone and hang up before Liam gets the chance to say anything. Out of pure instinct I grab the first thing available, a vase, and hold it up in defense, so that I can hit the intruder with this expensive useless thing. My heart raises and I hear the bathroom door unlock. Suddenly the door opens and I shut my eyes out of pure fear.

"Harry? What the hell are you doing?" I hear the thick Bradford accent question. I sigh in relief. It's just Zayn. That makes sense. I should've known. Who else would be so inconsiderate to Louis' health and get the place to end up like this? No offence, but with the 'bad boy stereotype' Zayn has been rocking ever since I got to know him, you can't blame me. I put the vase down and calm myself down as the gorgeous guy stands in front of me shirtless, exposing his many tattoos. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that you were here" I say and he laughs, patting me on the back. He sits down on his previous spot on the mattress and puts the TV back on.

"You shouldn't be here, you know. Louis told me what happened last night. If he wakes up it's going to be world war three in here" Zayn says and I just feel the need to smack myself in the face. I know, Zayn. I know I shouldn't fucking be here, but you shouldn't be getting him to handle his problems with alcohol and cigarettes. Gosh, I wish I had the courage to say that to Zayn's face but I really don't want to bother him.

"So he's sleeping?" I ask innocently. Zayn nods and points at Louis' bedroom door. He lights another cigarette and I cringe. I hate when people smoke indoors. It ruins the walls and smells terrible. I walk towards the door and I feel Zayn's eyes following me, judging me. I slowly, silently open the door and sneak in. I feel a bit creepy, knowing that Zayn can see me but I need to see him. I need to see him before he starts screaming at me. There he is. He's laying on the bed with his bare back showing and ruffled brown hair on the pillow. What a sight. If I don't fix this soon, I won't get to see that anymore. I smile for myself, happy that he's resting. I walk back out to Zayn and scratch my neck, nervously.

"Based on what he told you, don't you think he's overreacting a bit?" I try and Zayn shakes his head.

"Nope. He was also pissed cause he lost something important in the restaurant... So now he can't return it and get his money back." Zayn says, not knowing that I know.

"The ring?" I assume and Zayn's eyes widen. "Yes I know."

"Do you have it?" He asks, standing up from his mattress. I take it out of my pocket and show him it. "Wow. It looks really expensive. It's really beautiful.... It's a shame that he's going to return it..." Zayn says and I get an idea. I put the ring back in my pocket and walk back towards the front door.

"You know what? Tell him, that if he wants his ring back, he will have to get it from me.." I say proudly and Zayn shakes his head.

"You seriously think that's going to work?" He says in the most condescending way ever. I can tell by his attitude that he is clearly on Louis' side. But I don't blame him...

"It has to. He wants it back so sooner or later he will have to talk to me." I add and Zayn catches on. He smiles at me and I smile back, finally noticing the boxes Louis has already filled with my stuff. "Until then... Take care of him for me. Alright?"


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