Chapter 54.

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The bowling alley. We went to the effing bowling alley. Has New York turned that boring? Was the best way they could think of to spending our Friday night in a freaking bowling alley? Oh well, I do admit that it's a nice change from all those parties every single night. I'm bored of it. Surprises me that they're not.

Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Nancy. Those are the names on the big screen above us. I'd like to ask them where Ellie is but then I remembered that she cheated on Nialler. Guess she's not going to be invited to hang out with us anymore. Sad thing is, I'm already prepared to see Nancy leave as well. Liam is sitting down with his arm around her and a beer in his hand. They seem genually happy together, but you never know how long those kind of things lasts these days.

Time passes and I only seem to turn worse and worse at this. It has been ages since I bowled last. I feel so silly, I haven't striked once. The guys keep teasing me and making fun of me and all I can seem to think about is how embarrassing I am. Louis is like some fucking athlete. Good at any and everything. He's been scoring best so far. He's at the top of the list and I'm at the very bottom. Of course.

Before I know it, it's my turn again. It will be a miracle if I don't end up last in this. The only one remotely bad at this game is Nancy and that's only cause Liam distracts her all the time. Otherwise she'd surely beat his score. I take a sip from the straw on my coca cola as they call my name. I sigh and grab the heavy bowling ball. Good thing I've been working out lately. Otherwise there would be no way that I'd choose this one. As I walk up I can feel Louis eyes scanning me attentively. I feel the nerves begin to kick in. I'm going to fail so badly. Just as I lift the ball I notice Louis walking up to me.

"Try holding it like this"

He instructs and shows me by placing his hands on mine and guiding me to throw it in the most professional way. I gulp and feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter at his touch. It turns dead silent as the ball hits the ground and glides to the other side. And just like that. Strike. Everyone starts cheering and Louis gives me a high five. Too bad that was the last throw. Oh well, at least I can say I got one strike through-out this game.

Moments later we're stood by the cashier ready to pay up. Louis stands on his tippy toes by the desk and hands the cashier more money than needed. I hand him my half and he just rejects it.

"Don't worry. It's on me." He says and smiles.

"Wow, food, bowling, AND you're paying? If I didn't know better I'd say this was a date" I tease and Louis just sighs, with the smile prominent on his face.

"It's not like you're complaining."

He says and I feel my cheeks flush. I like flirting with him. We both turn into two ten-year olds. All giggly and shy. I really like it. Besides, ever since I got back from my mother's place, he's been acting extra sweet. He's made me feel more dominant and I like to share that.

"Come on boys!" Liam shouts at us from the entrance. Louis grabs the change he's handed from the cashier, gives me a perky smirk and walks towards Liam. I can't help but to bite my lip and observe his curves as he moves his hips as he walks on purpose. What a tease.

"I'm sorry about walking in on you in the shower..." I mumble moments later as Louis and I have just gone separate ways with the boys, having a nice walk towards our car. Louis has his hands in his jeans pockets and blushes severely at my apology. He chuckles and looks at the busy streets.

"Not your fault, really. I should've locked the door"

He says as he scratches his neck. I smile for myself as the memories flash of the bizarre, yet very pleasing event. A chilly gust of wind blows through my hair, causing me to shiver with the cold. I'm only wearing a black t-shirt with my favorite skinny jeans. Louis notices immediately and doesn't hesitate to take his thick jacket off. I look at him impressed as he puts the fabric on my tall torso.

"You didn't have to. The car is not far from here" I remark and he sighs.

"Just say thank you and shut up" He says and I quickly feel like an idiot. I laugh for myself as he nudges my shoulder. He's so gentle with me. If I were to be, for example Liam, he wouldn't settle for a simple nudge. He'd push me to the other side of town.

When we get into the car I bury myself inside his jacket, cause the car is even colder than the weather outside. You'd think that it would be warmer by now, but no. Louis quickly shuts on the air condition on the highest temperature. He lets the car heat up for a moment before he can start driving it. I then take the chance to try to be cute and lean my head on his shoulder. I don't know why I'm doing this but it feels so nice. His warmth, his scent and just overall the fact that I'm touching him. My heart raises as I wait for him to lean his head on mine, because he hasn't done it yet. His entire body literally stiffened as soon as my head touched his shoulder.

"Harry" He says and just by the tone in his voice I know that shit is about to go down, so I lean away from him as fast as I can. He takes a deep breath and places his hands firmly on the steering wheel. "I meant what I said this morning. There's no chemistry here" He says and looks at me with the blue eyes of a heartthrob.

"But last night you said-"

"I know what I said! I was just drunk and overwhelmed and..." He stops himself in the middle to regain his breathing. He's getting really worked up here. I wish I could say that this didn't matter, but it does. A lot actually. I don't like the fact that he keeps playing with my emotions like this. One second he's head over hills in love with me, next thing I know he doesn't even like me. It's very confusing and extremely disturbing for me.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I practically whisper. He shakes his head and starts rubbing his eyes.

"I just don't want to hurt you, that's all I want-"

"Well guess what? It's not working! Okay?" I burst and I feel really bad for lashing out at him like this after having such a great night, but I'm so sick of this shit. I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I then explain in a calmer, lower voice. "I don't know what you're trying to do but... You're hurting me. Alright? There you have it. I'm hurt and completely defeated."

I try to keep my lips steady but they keep trembling as I try my best not to get too emotional and cry. But seems to me that Louis is going to burst into tears any second now, and I don't understand why. This is supposed to be harder on me. He's the one complicating things. Is it so hard to just go along with everything and try to be happy? With me?

"I never cheated on you so how could I have possibly hurt you? What do you want me to do?" He says with the cry clear in his strained voice. The worst part about this is that he's actually not realizing that he's hurting me. He thinks that I'm completely fine and that he's handling every situation perfectly fine, but he's not. I lean in closer to him and look him dead serious in the eyes.

"I want you to tell me the truth. That's I'm asking for."

"I..." He stutters but before I know it he stops himself. That's all I asked for. Honesty. All I want is for him to tell me the truth, but he can't even do that. Shows how little I actually mean to him. My vision turns blurry and tears start running down my face before I get the chance to stop them. Louis eyes give in as well. He sobs and leans his hand towards my skin, trying to wipe away my tears but I flinch and open the car door.

"Thanks a lot." I say flatly and leave him there. That's enough.

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