Chapter 57.

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"So how did you two meet? I want to hear everything!"

Louis' mother asks curiously as we all sit by the dining table eating her spectacular food. I glance at Louis hoping for him to answer. How am I supposed to tell her the real story of how me met without her judging me? What am I supposed to say? Well, you see. I was depressed so I went up to a random rooftop and wanted to jump off it and commit suicide. But your son was luckily up there smoking so he saved me and let a complete stranger live with him. How does that sound?

"We had uhm... Mutual friends." Louis improvises with his mouth full.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask as I get up.

"Third door to the left" She answers and smiles at me. I give a weak smile back and clean up my plate. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I leave their lovely kitchen and walk out to the hall. Third door to the left... Third door to the left... When I find it there's another door on the wall right in front of it with Louis' name written on a piece of paper. It must be his old room. Should I? I really wish that I wasn't this curious about everything but I really am. And I know for a fact that if I asked Louis, he would say no. So rather just walk in, right?

I look around to make sure no one can see me before I slowly put my hand on the door handle and open it. It is quite obvious that no one has used this room for like an eternity. It is really clean but all his old stuff and furniture is still here. Guess he just left it all when he moved out. I look around completely astounded. It looks like the most typical old teenage room. The walls are covered with posters of celebrities and bands and everything. There are plenty of framed baby pictures every where I look. God. It is like walking into his very own secret chamber of secrets.

I walk over to the shelf and squat down in front of the drawer. To my surprise there's nothing there but a box. I honestly don't know what I was expecting, but certainly not this. I take it to the bed and start looking inside. There are a bunch of random things in here. Concert tickets, a notebook, signed CD's and many other things. That's when I realize what this is. His memory box. Why would he left this box of memories behind?

I grab the photo-album and take a look inside it. There are several pictures of what seems to be his mom in her younger days. The pictures are quite old and I can see the resemblances. As the pages go on he only gets older and older. Before I know it I'm taken by surprise by his high school pictures. Quite the frat boy I see. Bunch of pictures of him and his friends egging houses, drawing on each other's sleeping faces and bunch of other things. Looks like he went to a lot of frat parties even then. Not a surprise.

Just as I decide to put the album down I stumble upon a really rare picture. Louis and a older man standing next to each other. I look at the picture's back where it is written "19 year old Louis with his dad". Dad? Is that his dad? Wow... I've never ever seen his dad before. Now that I think of it, I don't recall Louis ever talking about him. Wow. So Louis was two years younger than me here? Shit. His hair was so nice and soft, he was wearing a leather jacket with ripped jeans and he was soo tanned and he just looked much MUCH healthier. Like seriously. I take a closer look at the picture. That is so crazy.

I grab the notebook and open it. That's when I realize that it's in fact not a notebook. It's a diary. What!? Did LOUIS TOMLINSON own a diary!? It can't be. I jump ahead to a date that seems appealing to me and read it eagerly. My birthday. I'd like to read what he was doing while I was celebrating my birthday years ago.

"Age: 15. Date: Februari 1st.

Dear Diary, I don't know what to do anymore. Ever since the divorce my mom and dad have been taking turns in having me home. I've been living with mom on weekends and dad the other days. Today I made the stupid decision to admit that I'm gay to my dad. I mean, I came out to mom ages ago and she was fine with it. But dad? He was not happy about it at all. He started screaming at me and told me that I was disgusting and basically said that I wasn't his son anymore. He even threw things at me... I have never been so scared in my entire life... The problem is that mom is out of town so I couldn't escape and go to her. So instead I came here, to Liam. His parents are always so nice and his house is HUGE! He has the best video-games ever... Dad will be so angry when he finds out I ran away but... I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him."

As I've finished reading I'm left speechless. This explains so much. I never knew his father wasn't supportive of his sexuality. I didn't know his parents got divorced at such a young age. I didn't know he knew Liam already by the age of 15. This is all just so surprising and I don't really know what to think.

"What's taking Harry so long?"

I hear Louis' voice say from ouside the hall. His voice has never sounded sweeter in my ears. I feel so bad for him now. How would I have known what he had been through all those years? He tried his best to make people laugh and make everyone's day better even though he himself was struggling with family problems. All I can see right now is poor scared little Louis crying as his father rages on him. Oh dear. My heart aches just by the thought of it.

I quickly panic and try to put the box back to its place but I've already spread his things all over the bed. I rush and literally throw everything back, but by the time that's done Louis has already walked into the bedroom. My heart beats faster than ever as he stands there looking at me completely chocked. I stand there scared and overwhelmed with emotions.

"What are you doing in here?" He asks. Oh shit, I'm fucked.

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