Chapter 56.

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After what could probably have been the most confusing night I've experienced in a long time, I of course have to start the morning after with an early shift at the job. Louis didn't speak a word to me the rest of the night last night. It was pretty clear to me that he was pissed. The car ride was quiet and as soon as we got home he went into his bedroom and shut the door. The drama queen that he is. I don't understand. If he doesn't like me, then why can't I go out with Anthony? It doesn't make sense. Oh well.

Speaking of Anthony. After work I may have texted him and met him... Don't judge me. He was just such a genuine guy, I felt like I wanted to grab a coffee with him and get to know what he's like. To be honest he was really nice and I had a really good time. We sat in Starbucks for a good hour or so. Of course I got a call from Louis, but I never answered. He ignored me the entire night last night and he kept himself locked in the room all morning. He's acting silly and he's supposed to be the mature one of us. He did leave a message though.

*Hi. It's me. No I'm not calling to apologize for last night. I was just wondering when you will be home? I have to ask you something.*

That's strange. It has to be something important. Or not. I know how Louis loves to freak me out over sweet nothings. I put my phone back in my pocket and drink what's left of my cappuccino.

"Better get going." I inform and cause Anthony to frown. I feel rude for ditching him like this but we've had a good hour sitting here getting to know one another. But no matter the situation, Louis comes first. Even though he has a habit of making me feel like shit. We both stand up from our seats as I put on my coat. "I've had a great time."

"So am I second-date material?" He asks. I chuckle for myself at the thought. I honestly wasn't even sure that he was gay but the thought of this being a date makes me want to laugh. Louis would kill me.

"Who said this was a date?" I say cheekily and smile at him. He blushes and smiles back as I walk out.

When I get home I unlock the door and stumble on our mail. I sigh and start looking through it. Newpapers.... Advertising.... Advertising... Bills and... What is that? It's a letter from our local hospital. It's for Louis. And... It's already opened? What the heck? I stare at it for a moment debating weather I should read what's in it or not. I mean I want to. I really want to.

"Harry! There you are!" Louis exclaims and out of pure instinct I put the letter into the pocket of my jacket. Louis walks across the living room all dressed up. "Apple has launched this new spectacular device. Have you heard of it? It's called a phone!" He mocks and I sigh.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer, I was busy" I defend. Louis rolls his eyes and puts his shoes on.

"Whatever. Now please do me a favor and follow me. No questions asked."

Time passes and we find ourselves in our car, on the way to a unidentified location. Louis is driving at a dangerous and I'm honestly quite concerned. He seems so stressed and bothered. He's just so unfocused on the driving and the fact that his phone is blowing up isn't really helping. I try to glance over at the phone to see who it is that keeps calling and texting him but it's like... everyone. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Nancy, his mom, his sister... What is going on? What have I missed?

"Answer." Louis says at last when his mother's name plops up on the screen instead of all the others. I frown at him. I had no idea that he even had contact with his parents? I've never heard about her before. I press the green button and look at Louis confused. He nods at me. "Put her on speaker."

*Hi Louis! I was just making sure that you're on your way!* Her innocent voice says. I frown at him. On your way? Are we going to his mothers house!? Why didn't he tell me? I could've... Cleaned up?

"I'll be right there! And I brought Harry with me... You know, that roommate I told you about." He says and suddenly seems even more stressed out than before. That roommate. Wow. What a nice way to describe our relation.

*Oh how wonderful! See you soon then.* She says and Louis hangs up the phone. He clenches his jaw and keeps his eyes on the road. Oh god. This is going to be so embarrassing. 

I take a deep breath and try to prepare myself mentally for what's to come. My family is so fucked up, I just hope that his is cool. I haven't heard anything about them though and that should worry me more than it is. I stand outside the door with Louis. He rings the doorbell and I can feel my legs start to tremble. Why am I so nervous? It's not like Louis is my boyfriend and that I'm meeting my boyfriends family for the first time, although that's exactly what it feels like.

This house is great. They have a beautiful garden with a nice little fountain for the birdies. The house is kind of small but really old fashioned and nice. Like something taken out of a bedtime tale. As we hear clear steps approaching y heart skips a beat. That's when we're stood face to face with this woman that shines with pure love. She has a big smile on her face as she sees Louis. She looks at him so fondly and I might be wrong but it looks like she's about to cry. I can tell by their emotional hug that it has been a long time since they saw each other last.

"You must be Harry!" She exclaims. I reach my hand out for her to shake but she completely ignores it and pulls me in for a hug instead. I glance at Louis and notice that his eyes are completely bloodshot. What is going on why are they so emotional?

"It's a... pleasure to meet you" I say and she literally pinches my cheek. Louis giggles and is caught off guard as this familiar young brunette walks up to him and throws herself in his arms. His sister. They hug for a very long time also. Wow. Does Louis really visit them that rarely? Oh well. Who am I to judge?

We step inside and get our coats and shoes off. The house is just as neat inside as it is outside. It is completely spotless and the endearing smell of the dinner she's made has filled the entire place. Oh, this place reminds me so much of my grandmothers house. Louis soft hand is placed on my shoulder as he pulls me aside and leans into my ear.

"Harry. Please do me a favor. Just in front of my mother." He pleads and looks rather concerned. I frown at his flushed cheeks.

"Of course. Anything."

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? Great, thanks buddy. I owe you one." He rambles quickly and pats my back, leaving me utterly speechless. Oh god.

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