Chapter 19.

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Since I barely got any sleep last night, I woke up incredibly late this morning. By the time I finally opened my eyes Louis had already returned from work. He had an early shift today. He began at like 7 o'clock in the morning, which is another reason why wanting to bring the guys over last night was a stupid idea. I don't understand how he manages to sleep that late every night and wake up so early the morning after. Today I was actually woken up by the sound of the kettle heating up water from the kitchen. Soon as I sat up on the bed Louis immediately noticed.

"Morning sleepy head" Louis says with a cup Yorkshire tea in his hand.


I say in a extremely raspy voice. Louis seems very happy today, unlike me. The smile is obvious on his face and he is practically skipping into the living room. He stands up in front of me and waits for my attention. I actually want to check my phone, but seems like he has some exciting news.

"I got promoted today!"

"What!? That's amazing Louis! Congratulations!" I say more excited than intended. I don't know if it is the actual promotion that i'm excited about, or the fact that Louis is shining of pure happiness today. The sunshine is bright this morning.

"I get payed twice as much and I only have to work three days a week! I was so happy when I found out. Guess what I got on my way home?"


This is so exciting. Since the long night I've had of nightmares, it is truly a nice change to wake up to this positive energy. Louis slowly brings some unfamiliar keys out of his pocket and holds them up in the air. I scratch my eyes and look at it closely, as I have still not entirely woken yet. Keys... Car keys!?

"Did you get a car!?"

"Hell yes I did! I got the one we were about to buy before. It is parked just outside. Now we don't have to take the cab or the subway everywhere. Isn't it great!?"

"It truly is, Louis. I'm so happy for you"

I say and stand up to give him a hug. I wrap my arms around his short yet fit body. He burys his face in my neck and embraces me tightly. I almost feel like kissing him, but as I of course know, I can't. When we pull away from the hug I smile at him and pick my phone up. There's a message from a unknown number. I frown at the phone screen and a smile slowly grows on my face.

"I got it"

"What?" Louis asks.

"I got the job!" I repeat.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU KIDDING!?"" Louis squeaks. I shake my head and show him the message. We both smile and hug each other again. How is this even possible!? I thought the interview went horrible!? Guess they're more in need of employees than I thought. This is unbelievable. I was so sure that I wasn't going to get it.

"This is so great! We have to celebrate! I'm calling the boys immediately. This calls for a night out!"

Louis says and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He types in a number and then presses the phone against his ear. He gives me another of his perfect smiles and goes into his room to call them. I can't believe this. I am so unbelievably happy right now. I would like to remind Louis that he promised I'd get to plan our day together today, but I honestly don't mind partying tonight. We need to celebrate for sure. Guess I'll get to plan our day together some other time. Tonight is all about partying, letting go and having fun.


Niall shouts rather than sings at the top of his lungs, along with the loud music in the speakers. This is of course after having many shots. He is in the middle of the dance floor with his hands up in the air and Ellie grinding upon him. Liam and Zayn are still by the table at the bar with Louis and I. Louis has just ordered us some mixed drinks.

"A toast to Harold and I, for being better than the rest of you. Cheers!"

Louis says and hold his glass up in the air. We all have a laugh and clink our drinks together. Before I know it a familiar blonde girl runs up to Liam and pulls him into the dance floor. It's Nancy. Long time no see. Good to see she is working things up with Liam. But as he is pulled to the dance floor he drags Zayn with him. Then it's just Louis and I left out of the guys. Louis smiles at me and turns to admire the dance floor.

"So? See any cute guys?"

He surprises me by saying. I look around for a second but no. No one catches my eye as much as the one right in front of me.

"Just one."

I admit. He doesn't seem to realize that i'm staring directly at him. Although he seems really interested in who,

"Really? What does he look like?" He asks and leans in closer to me to hear me better.

"Well... He has brown hair, blue eyes and a breathtaking smile. I just can't stop looking at him."

"Why don't you ask him out then?" Poor Louis. He doesn't have a clue.

"Firstly, He's surely straight. Besides. I don't think he would ever go out with a guy like me." I say honestly.

"That's rubbish. Why wouldn't he want a cute curly headed lad like you? And you can't just assume he's straight."

He says. Does he seriously not realize that i'm talking about him? And I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. I mean, he basically just told me that I have curly hair. Duly noted.

"How about you? Has any girl caught your attention yet?" I ask even though I honestly don't even want to hear about it.

"Not really. They all seem fit and all but... I'm not really looking for anything, d'you know what I mean?"


I say even though I don't really understand it. Why wouldn't he be looking for anyone? It's not like he doesn't have time for a relationship? And doesn't he even want like a one night stand? Not that i recommend it at all but I mean, like, what is holding him back?

Suddenly I see Liam running away from the dance floor and towards us. Although he doesn't look excited, more like worried.

"TOMMO!" He shouts and hurries up to Louis. "Sandy's here."

"What!? Give me a break.." Louis says and rubs his temples.

"Sandy? Your stalker ex? That Sandy?" I assure.

"No Sandy from Sponge-bob." He says ironically. God he's mean when he's stressed. "Fuck what do I do?" He asks Liam.

"Go hide in the bathroom for a while. I'll try to figure something out." Liam says.

Louis then grabs my wrist and makes me go with him. Why do I have to hide? And why does he look so scared and worried? Is she really that scary? We practically run to the men's room and go inside. Well that was smart of Liam actually. Cause, she won't be able to go into the men's bathroom so we'll be safe here I guess. Although I really don't see what the big deal is.

Louis runs his hands through his hair nervously. His phone suddenly vibrates and he looks at the screen in horror.

"Liam says Sandy's coming in. He already told the guards though... It won't be long until-"

And before Louis gets the chance to finish someone walks into the room.

Survive [Larry Stylinson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora