Chapter 82.

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"I'm hungry"

Louis groans as he and I are cuddled up in front of the TV in our home, hours later. His head is resting on my chest with our hands intertwined on my lap. This is honestly so comfortable that I could fall asleep at any second. But my sweet angel is hungry, so I have to get up. I turn to Louis and plant a simple kiss on his thin soft lips. He holds on to the kiss and doesn't let me lean away just yet. He keeps kissing me passionately and I suddenly feel his passion start to grow. The kiss gets more intense and I then lean away before it goes any further. No matter how much I want it to. I get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen.

"Excuse me? What was that? Harold get back in here and love me!"

Louis shouts, whining jokingly from the couch. I chuckle for myself and open the cabinet. I grab some Coco Puffs cornflakes and pour it into a bowl, along with some milk. Fast and simple. Besides, it's not good to eat heavy food this late at night.

"Just getting you something to eat" I inform him as I walk back into the living room with the bowl. He sighs as I sit down on my previous seat.

"I appreciate the kind gesture, I really do. But I'm not handicapped. I could have gotten it myself" He defends. I smile once again. He's so stubborn. He keeps insisting that he's so darn independent but he needs to know that it's okay if he's not.

"Please just shut up and open your mouth"

"Wow, dirty talk. Have to say I didn't think you had in in ya, Styles." Louis teases when I lift the spoon, ready to feed him romantically. He then protests by putting his hand on the spoon I'm holding. "Jokes aside... This is getting ridiculous. If I had known you would be this overprotective I would've never told you about it. I just want things to be normal but you're making it very difficult for me."

He sighs, with the cheeky smile disappearing from his face completely. I put the bowl down on the table and shake my head. Gosh, I feel so stupid. I'm just not used to this at all. I've always been the small one that people have had to take care of and cherish, so now that the tables turned I don't really know how to cope with it.

"I'm sorry. You're absolutely right... I'm just worried about you, that's all"

I admit. Louis smiles his sugar sweet smile at me and wraps his arms around my neck. He then leans in and kisses me again. He is passionate and this time I let him take it where ever he wants it to go. He wants to live normally so I'll act as I normally would. Our tongues twirl inside our mouths as the make out session gets hotter and steamier. Our lips disconnect and he rests his forehead against mine, taking a deep breath before he pulls me down with him. I hover over him and continue kissing him. I let my lips go further down as I begin kissing his neck, shoulders and chest. His fingers dig into my back roughly as it is sure to leave a mark. Soft moans escape his mouth as I continue kissing his skin. He puts his hands on my shoulders and leads my lips back to his. I do so and he tries to switch positions so that he's on top and so that he is doing all the work. As much as my hormones want him to, my heart tells me to stop it before it goes too far.

*Try to avoid sports and things that requires a lot of physical activity. Such as running, swimming, dancing and coitus.*

*So he can't exhaust himself in any way?*

The voices of me and the doctor's conversation repeats itself in my mind. Before I know it I realize that I've unconsciously stopped completely and Louis is staring at me heartbroken. His glossy blue eyes are heartbreaking.

"I'm so sorry..."


As the words leave his mouth my chest aches. It's not even about the sex. It's about me. About my condition. He doesn't want to do this because he's afraid I will loose control of my breathing. I understand that he's worried but I don't want him to. That hasn't been much of a problem before. All I want is to live a normal life and pretend like everything is alright. I've known about this disease for years, and along with those years I've had to learn how to stop being afraid and start living life like nothing's even wrong. It's difficult to keep that attitude up when Harry is treating me completely differently.

I don't even say anything. I just nod and get off the couch. I hear him sigh behind me as I walk in to my room and close the door behind me. I don't even turn the lights on, I just throw myself on the bed and bury my face in a pillow. After that the tears flow down like rivers.

"Lou... Are you crying?"

I hear Harry's kind yet deep rusty voice ask from behind me. He turns the lights on and sits down on the bed next to me. I feel the mattress sink from his side of the bed. I refuse to turn around. I just keep staring at whatever is in front of me instead of him.

"Hey, look at me.... Please." He pleads. I let out a few sobs and suddenly feel him pulling me back up. I do as he instructs and sit up, but I still refuse to look at him. I'm supposed to be the strong one of us. I'm supposed to be the steady support. I can't let him see me this weak and emotional. All this crying and emotions are becoming a daily thing and I don't like it.

"Come on. Let me see those beautiful eyes just one time" He continues. I shake my head. No. I can't look at him. I just can't. "What color are your eyes again? Green? Brown? Or maybe hazel? Hm... I can't seem to remember... Yellow?"

Harry teases in a 'parent with horrible humor' kind of way. But the way he gets into the role so naturally and starts scratching his invincible beard is hilarious and I can't help but to giggle. He shines up when I do. His wide beautiful charming smile sets and his dimples are more visible than ever.

"You're such a dork..."

I mumble and finally look up at him. He chuckles and winks at me. Why does he be so outrageously handsome all the time? He is imperfectly perfect. And that's what's so great about him. He's not a smooth talker and he's only funny in a goofy way, but something about him just captures you. And once you fall for him, you won't get out. It's like, I wish I was able to stay away from him. But I can't. There's something about him that keeps pulling me right back every single time.

"I'm your dork" He corrects. I smile once again and I suddenly feel his big warm hand caress my cheek. Softly wiping my tears away. This, my friends. This.

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