Chapter 74.

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"Guys. I should really get going now"

I insist as I stand on the side of the dance-floor, having a drink with the lads. We've been here for hours and I'm barely intoxicated. It's just not the same anymore. Going to the same old clubs with the same old music and same old trashy people. I kind of wish that I was at home spending time with Harry by now, I mean, it's already midnight. He should've came back from work hours ago. Yet here I am. Having a drink with Liam, Zayn, Niall and Fred. Maybe I should've skipped the partying tonight. I mean, I know it's Niall's birthday and all, but I could've just celebrated him some other way, like he and Harry planned on doing tomorrow.

"No come on, you have to be kidding! You can't leave so soon!" Niall objects, having Zayn and Fred backing him up. Liam stands there quietly and takes a sip from his beer. I sigh and take a look around. Why should I stay? The highlight was giving Niall his birthday gifts, but now it's just the same thing over and over again.

"Sorry boys but I'm serious. The DJ's playlist sucks and I just don't see the point in standing here watching people get drunk and rude." I say.

"Dude, you're beginning to sound like Harry. Come on now. What happened to the Louis that never missed a party?" Zayn points out and puts his arm around me, leading me back to the bar. The boys laugh and quickly follow. I'm usually never the buzzkill at a party. Maybe they're right? Maybe I've changed and turned into this boring guy that just stands around complaining all day? I've never been that guy, and I'm not planning on starting now. That's the last thing I want. They do have a point. Besides, considering my condition, I might as well enjoy every fun moment by doing whatever the fuck I want, right?

It doesn't take long before I find myself in the middle of the dance-floor jumping around with the lads to the loud house music. The beat drops and we all clink our beers and drink up. I haven't been this happy in like forever. I know it sounds weird considering I'm seriously sick, but come on. I've feared Harry finding out about my disease for so long. All this time I was prepared to see him leave me as soon as I came clean. But he stayed. He fucking stayed. It's all finally out in the open and he accepted me. Now he can love me for who I truly am.

Everything around me starts spinning. Damn, I'm so fucking drunk at this point. Niall is on my left hooking up with some random girl, and Liam and Zayn are no where to be seen. I need to find them. I don't really feel like being the third wheel here. I look around the colorful, yet dark nightclub and try to find my way to the bar. That's probably where they're at. I try to make my way through the sweaty people dancing and grinding all up on each other. Some of these people are seriously disgusting. Like, I like partying, I really do, but some people seriously need to find their boundaries. As I make my way to the bar I feel a firm hand grip me by my wrist. I'm overwhelmed with a unpleasant shiver, and as I turn around I'm stood face to face with Sandy, out of all people. He gives me a smirk and looks at me from tip to toe.

"You look a bit lost, princess" He says through his teeth, standing close enough for me feel his breath on my skin. Shit. Of course out of all people, I bump into him at my drunken state. Fuck fuck FUCK. How am I gonna get out of this mess? I don't even give him the satisfaction of answering him. I just look around and try to find Liam and Zayn, but I can barely stand straight. Everything is spinning which makes it even harder to find them. "Are you looking for your friends? Or do you want to go home? I'd be more than happy to take you home."

He says hoarsely as he stands even closer. I feel my entire face shine with pure disgust. This man is honestly the only person that terrifies me so much. Maybe it's cause of the fact that he reminds me so much of my father in his behavior. I try to step back but he just gets closer, causing me to cringe.

"Oh there won't be any need for that, thanks." I hear a low voice say as a familiar hand turns Sandy around. I'm just as shocked as Sandy when I see those well known curls. Harry..? What the hell is he doing here!?

"Oh look, your mummy decided to show up" Sandy teases and I can tell by the look on Harry's face that he's beyond irritated with this man. He clenches his jaw and just reaches his hand for me, leading me away from Sandy without bothering to say another word. Sandy doesn't stop there though. "Can't believe you stayed with this lying piece of shit"

Sandy tells Harry and harry turns red with anger, trying his best to keep a straight face. I feel my heart raising. Shit is about to go down, I can feel it. But this is Harry I'm talking about. Harry's a lover, not a fighter. Harry wraps his hand around my waist and tries to lead me away from him, but Sandy then pulls me by my waist. Harry reacts faster than lightning and walks up to Sandy.

"Don't you dare touch him." He hisses. This is such an unusual sight for me. I've never seen Harry this threatening, nor Sandy that scared. They're about the same height but Sandy is definitely stronger, which is why I can't let this go any further. I gently tug at Harry's shirt, telling him to just walk away. Harry slowly backs off with a death glare aimed at Sandy. Harry then puts his warm hand around my waist and leads me out of there. Sandy keeps shouting things at us as we walk away from him, but Harry just ignores it and helps me through the crowded club, and before I know it we're outside. I'm so dizzy and everything is happening so fast, I don't even know what I'm doing at this point.

"Harry what are you doing here? I thought you had to work" I question as soon as we get away from the loud music. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed looking rather disappointed.

"What am I doing here? The question is what are you still doing here!? You weren't answering any of my calls all night! Do you realize how worried I was?" He scolds.

"But I don't need you to worry about me Harry! I can take care of myself" I defend, causing him to sigh loudly.

"Well it sure as hell didn't seem like it!" He shouts and I lower my gaze, rolling my eyes like a stubborn child. He just came at a bad timing, that's all... Sandy was just there at the wrong time... "You know what? Can we please just go home already? I've worked all day and I'm honestly too tired to have this fight right now..."

He whines, and just as he says that I see Liam rushing out to us with a huge sigh of relief when he sees me. He looked like he was panicking for a second.

"Louis! There you are!" He exclaims and regains his breath. Harry turns to him with me most dissapointed look ever. Liam's face quickly turns into a scared puppy when his eyes meet Harry's.

"Yes. Here he is." He says. "You were supposed to keep an eye on him!" He scolds. That's it. I've had enough. I'm drunk and I don't have the energy or consciousnesses to deal with this right now. I just want to get back in there and spend time with my friends.

"Harry it's fine. You can leave, but I'm staying."

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