Chapter 64.

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"So anything planned for today?" I try to say as casually as possible, as I take a seat on the couch next to Louis. He's on his phone, completely focused on whatever he's doing. I can tell by the way his eyebrows furrow at the device in his hands. After taking a sip from his Redbull he clears his throat.

"I was thinking about playing some soccer with the lads" He says. Still not turning away from the phone-screen.

"Soccer? You know I don't really like to play..." I admit, rather surprised that he didn't think about it himself. He now looks at me confused and puts his phone down. The tension suddenly turns completely stiff and awkward.

"Oh... You thought you were invited...?" He says and scratches his neck. Ouch. "No offense, really. We just assumed you wouldn't want to play. Besides, the teams would be uneven and you know..."

"No it's fine, really! I actually already have plans." I lie. Just trying to save the last piece of dignity I have. He raises his eyebrows at me, curious to know more. He hasn't given me any signs ever since we got back from Barbados. I need to make him jealous. "I uhm... I was going to hang out with Anthony, I just... You know... Wanted to make sure that you had something planned so you wouldn't be bored... alone."

"Thanks for the concern but I wouldn't flatter myself if I were you. I have plenty of friends I can hang out with, thank you very much." He says in the most sassy way. Oh shit. Did I say something wrong? I must have said something. He looks strongly offended. But there's something about his attitude that is rubbing off on me. Suddenly I'm overwhelmed with my own emotions so I struggle with biting my tongue. Before I know it, I'm adding fuel to the fire.

"Oh do you fuck them whenever you feel like it too? Or is it just with me?" I say and shock him with my fowl mouth. A surprised smile grows on his face and I can't tell if he's actually enjoying this and finds this amusing somehow. "You know, intercourse actually matter for some people." I exclaim and grab my things, ready to leave this apartment before I say something more I'll regret.

"Please stop calling it that! It sounds ridiculous. God, you're so fucking embarrassing." He calls after me. Not even bothering to get off the couch.

"Whatever. Have fun missing penalties all day!" I shout.

"Have fun sucking dick!"

He shouts back. I don't even know what to answer to that. He's being so immature right now, I can't even cope. He's just being rude for no reason and he's making the flames burn within me. I hate it so much. He just knows how to piss me off and push my buttons. No. This conversation and type of behavior is beneath me. I'm done with it. I at last make the mature decision to just leave the apartment without another word and go to hang out with Anthony instead.

Anthony and I end up having a really good time, actually. We went to the movies and saw this new action movie that was completely fine. I'm not that into action movies, really. That's why Louis and I usually wind up watching romantic comedies or in the worst case scenario, horror movies. See, that has been a really big problem for me though. All day, I've been obsessing over the differences between Anthony and Louis. I've been comparing every single thing about Anthony to Louis. And that's not healthy at all. I know that, but I just can't seem to stop.

"Would you maybe want to come in?"

I suggest as he and I stand outside the apartment door. He told me he would follow me home, and now, after he's been staring at me patiently I just got the reflex to ask him to come in. But I know I shouldn't have. If Louis is home, it will be so awkward. I know he said he would play soccer with the guys, but that was hours ago. He's surely home by now. Fuck, why did I tell him to come inside? Fuck, fuck. Please say no say no say no.


Fuck. I give him a weak, forced petty smile and take a deep breath. I squeeze my eyes and hope for a miracle as I put the key in the door-lock. I hold my breath and open the door slowly. It is pitch black and Louis' favorite shoes are gone. YES! He's not home! I take my shoes and coat off and turn the lights on. I make my way to the living room and wait for Anthony to join me on the couch. I turn the television on and my eyes light up when I notice that my favorite TV-show is on. Friends.

"That show sucks"

Anthony states and causes my smile to quickly fade away. What the fuck? Get out. What is wrong with him? How can he not like Friends? It is the best comedy tv-show of all time! How can he be so inconsiderate and rude? Louis likes it. He would never insult my favorite show like that. Louis always watches it with me, he... FUCK! There I go again. Comparing Anthony with Louis. I need to stop. Anthony, it's fine. We're all human. You're of course entitled to have your own opinion.... even though you're fucking wrong...

"Looks like your roommate isn't here" Anthony says, stating the obvious. I smile at him, cause I don't really have anything to say. Besides, he is sitting a bit too close to me right now and the look on his face is really sensual. He is so cute but, come on, he's no Louis. As the thought reaches my mind I realize that Anthony's lips are on mine. I panic and don't really know what to do. He really knows how to catch someone off guard. He's a fine kisser though. I go from pure panic to trying to relax and enjoy it like a normal person.

But suddenly, the thing I was most worried would happen, happens. The front door opens and in comes Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn. The entire squad basically. I quickly panic and push Anthony to the other side of the couch out of pure instinct. Anthony gives me a really confused look like "what the fuck was that?" kind of look. Luckily Louis and the boys were so loud that I heard them before they got the chance to see us.

My lips are still moist and I quickly wipe my mouth on the back of my hand, adjusting my seat on the couch. Trying my best to look as casual as possible. They are all wearing comfortable clothes and Louis is holding the football in his hands. Gosh, he's looking so fucking hot right now. Wearing his black sweatpants, grey sweatshirt and beanie covering his soft hair. When they walk into the living room and notice us Louis big smile immediately fades away.



Hope you're all good, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm proud to announce that this story now is available in russian! It's still in progress but yeah. You can find it at @horan144 here on Wattpad. Basically, she's a fan of this story and asked if she could translate it to her own language. So, eventually, we discussed it and got on good terms. I don't speak russian myself, but some of you might. So a big thank you to her.

Over all, thank you so much for all the appreciation and feedback. I read every single one of your comments and sometimes when I find a account that comments a lot I happen to check out your stories.

Love always, S.

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