Chapter 86.

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I most probably made the boys a bit uncomfortable with my 'sex' issues, because soon after they left and insisted that they had to go get ready for the party tonight. Zayn is throwing a party to celebrate him moving into his new place. To be quite honest I wasn't looking forward to it at all until now. Now that I know that I'm going to be teasing the shit out of Louis all night I just can't wait.

First things first. To make him go absolutely nuts I have to come up with an outfit that he won't be able to keep his eyes off of. I start searching through our clothes that have ended up all mashed together in his closet. I like the fact that I'm not using my suitcase as a wardrobe anymore. Even though it is almost impossible to find any of my clothes along with his, I still like the fact that they're all mixed up in the closet. It makes me feel like we're a real couple for some stupid reason.

At last I come across this white tank top that I had forgotten that I purchased ages ago. It still has the labels stuck on it's back. I try it on in front of the mirror. God, if I only didn't look this fat I would probably pull it off. I sigh, take it off and grab a white almost see through shimmy. I button it up half the way and expose more of my chest than usual. I top it off with my cross necklaces and black skinny jeans. The outfit is pretty simple but it's just the beginning.

Time flies and I sit there waiting for Louis to come. Since he was still working when the party started, Liam drove me there. So now we're all seated in Zayn's big living room drinking and drinking. They're all being really social with each other but all I can seem to do is stare at the front door non stop. Every single time somebody arrives I hope that it's Louis. But person after person comes and there's not a sign of Louis. What's taking him so long? I'm growing impatient and I'm drinking more than I should.

"So how are ya liking my new place?" Zayn says and squeezes on the sofa between Liam and I. He wraps one of his arms around me as he shrinks of cigarettes and alcohol, just like everyone else in this party.

"It's great. Must have costed a fortune." I compliment and he pats my back gratefully. He then stands back up and walks back into the dance floor, barely able to walk straight.

I look around and Louis has still not arrived. I have to find someone to flirt with when he comes, but who? It's so hard to tell which ones are gay and which ones are not. I mean, I can't just flirt with anyone. Louis knows these people. It has to be believable. It has to be an actual threat. Oh well, I'm not going to find someone by sitting here. I get up and suddenly feel the alcohol kick in. I didn't realize how dizzy I was until I actually got up. I walk towards the table with all the drinks and snacks. I should probably not have anymore to drink so maybe just a snack or two. That chocolate fountain sure looks delicious.

"Harry? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice ask as soon as I approach the table. I slowly turn to see Anthony. What the fuck is he doing here? This is terrible, Louis is going to be pissed. Or wait...Louis is going to be pissed! This is perfect! 

"Anthony! What brought you here?" I say in a attempt to sound as excited as possible, when in reality I'm just glad I found a fall guy for my plan to make Louis jealous.

"My sister is a friend of Zayn's actually." He explains. Right, I totally forgot about his sister. Suddenly I hear everybody go wild. That can only mean one thing. Louis is here. They all get to the front door to greet him. Shit, he's like some celebrity among them. It so strange to witness. I can't imagine how boring their parties are when he doesn't come. Who am I kidding? He always comes to every single party. And 50% of the time he drags me along with him. After greeting everybody Louis comes to the living room so I quickly start flirting with Anthony to get Louis' full attention.

"Wow, have you been working out?" I say loud for Louis to hear as I start caressing Anthony's bicep. He looks at me confused and a bit proud. His cheeks flush at my sudden act and I turn to see if Louis is looking, but he's not. Fuck.

"Maybe a little..." He says shyly.

"You've shaved off your stubble as well!" I exclaim even louder, but Louis still hasn't noticed us. "It's so soft" I add as I caress Anthony's cheek. I'm probably being way to flirty at this point but Louis isn't even looking this way so I'm desperate for his attention.

"Thanks..." He mumbles completely confused about what's going on. Suddenly the music changes into a song I barely know, but I need to take this to the next level somehow.

"I love this song! You have to dance with me!" I exclaim and pull Anthony into the dance floor. I don't like this song, I don't like to dance. None of this is like me but I've honestly gone crazy lately. I notice Louis finally looking at us with his arms crossed. Somebody's talking to him but his eyes are locked on us. YES finally, we've got his attention. Now the real fun can begin. I pull Anthony closer into me and start grinding against him in the most sensual dance I've ever danced. Anthony seems so confused but I just keep going. Louis stares at us but still doesn't react. Suddenly Anthony grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer into him, causing Louis to react. He almost decides to come over but stops himself.

"Am I out of my mind or are you flirting with me?" Anthony whispers in my ear in a very sensual way. If I have had sex in the last month I would've pushed him away but if anything he's actually turning me on right now. I turn around to look at Louis reaction but he's not there anymore.

"Do you mind?" I suddenly hear Louis' voice asks behind us in a low voice. Anthony turns around and backs away from me as soon as his eyes meet Louis' death glare. Oh shit.

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