Chapter 15.

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The interview went absolutely terrible. I just couldn't stop thinking about the entire doctor thing with Louis. I was completely unfocused and awful at answering the questions. As I took the subway back home all I could think about was how nice it will be to come home and relax.

When the sky turns deep blue I have finally arrived to our block. I walk past many people with my head down. My mind is elsewhere today and I honestly can't help it. What if Louis is seriously sick? That thought has only occured to my mind about a thousand times today. When I cross the final street I see our building. I look up at the tall building and take a deep breath. I then walk in and take the elevator up to our flat. When I get in I am immediately dissapointed when I see that Louis is certainly not home alone. Can he spend like ONE night without all of the boys here? I mean, they're great and all, but even I need a break. This occasional drinking and playing videogames is turning into a routine and it's great. But not every single day.

"Hi Harry!"

Niall says, as he is the first one to notice me. He stops right in the hallway as he has a bowl of pocorn in his hands. I greet him back in the nicest way possible, even though I am exhausted and a bit cranky. I take my shoes off and walk in to the living room where they're all seated. Louis, Liam and Zayn are all seated in the big sofa and Niall has just sat down on the arm chair. Where am I supposed to sit?

"Look who's here!" Zayn calls as soon as I walk in.

"Look how fancy he looks as well. What's with the blazer man?" Liam says as I stand in the side of the television, so that i'm not in the way of their game playing.

"He had an interview." Louis informs.

"How did it go?"

Niall asks. I sigh and rub my eyes. Jesus, they all probably think i'm grumpier than I am. To be honest, the fact that i'm tired is what's making me so irritated by everything right now.


I sigh and take the blazer off. Avoiding the boys pity I take the coat to put it back in Louis' room. Louis puts down his controller and follows me. I don't say anything even though I know he's right behind me. I just hang the blazer back in the wardrobe as Louis closes the door behind him.

"Hey, you okay? Why did the interview go bad?"

"Don't know..."

"Come on Harry, you've been weird all morning. What's wrong?" He pushes. I finally decide to look him in the eyes. I'm actually way to tired for this right now but i'm also angry enough to do it.

"What are you taking medication for?" I finally say.


Sorry for the really short chapter. The next one will be much longer.

Love always, S.

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