Chapter 60.

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"Guess this is ours"

Niall says and drops his bag on the freshly made bed. I sigh and take a look around. It is really fancy. It must be really expensive. The view is breathtaking considering the hotel is placed right by the ocean. Everything is so clean as well. Spotless. Every inch of it. What bothers me though is the fact that this is so perfect and romantic, but the person I'm in love with is in another room with two other guys. This sucks. I mean, Niall is nice and all, really happy going fella, but I would much rather share this room with Louis. I take a deep breath and sit down on the bed, watching as Niall unpacks his things immediately.

"I know you'd much rather share this room with Louis... But we have to make the best of it"

Niall says and seems very upset himself. Now I feel bad. He probably feels like really unwanted right now, and I shouldn't take my terrible energy out on him. It's obvious that he came here to have a good time and I'm ruining it for him. I should see it from the bright side. I'd much rather have him as a roommate these couple of days than to have Liam or Zayn. No offense to them obviously, but I just get along with Niall the most these days.

"Well while you waste your time on being grumpy, I'm gonna head to the beach with the others!" He says and grabs a towel.

"No wait I'm coming with you..." I say and I notice how Niall lights up. He throws me a towel and sun lotion. Besides everything else that's going on, I'm honestly so lucky to have a friend like him.

When we get down to the beach, we already find the others there, chilling under the sunlight. Liam is sitting on his towel with a really foreign type of sombrero hat. I don't know what to call it but it's ridiculously adorable. Especially when he's just laying there with his headphones on completely innocent. Right next to him are Zayn and Louis. Both chatting with a drink in their hands. Niall takes his chance to push me forward so I can be next to Louis. I lay out my towel on the warm soft sand next to his and sit down. Niall makes himself comfortable on the other side next to Liam.

"Have any of ya been in the water yet?" Niall asks as a tension breaker.

"No we just got here"

Zayn informs, and just like that they start talking instead and I'm left to have a conversation with the guy next to me. Louis. God, I can't even begin to explain how effing hot he looks right now. He has nothing on but his black bathing shorts. He hasn't even got sunglasses on so he just keeps squinting his small blue eyes. He's so gorgeous with his hair all down and soft.

"Shall we?" Louis asks me. I'm confused but then realize that he's referring to the pier. Yes, I would love to jump into the water with you and see you get all wet and...


I get up and Louis reaches his hand out for me to help him up on his feet. Gosh he's so adorable. He doesn't even ask the others to join us, he just pats my back and leads me away from them. Almost as if he's trying to avoid them on purpose. We walk down the beach with our bare feet on the warm sand. When we get down to the shore the water nudges our feet. It's warm. Louis then grabs my hand and leads me on the pier. Even though it's not a romantic thing, rather than a sincere gesture, I still can't believe that we're holding hands. We stand on the edge of the pier staring out at the clear blue water.

"On three." He informs with a childish smirk. I nod and we both start counting down in unison.

"One... two...three"

And just like that we throw ourselves into the water. It's even warmer than I thought. As I reach the surface once again I regain my breath. I push my hair back and look around me. Where did Louis go? My heart starts beating fast. Seriously where is he? And suddenly I feel something grab my leg from under the water and pull me down. I panic and when I get back to the surface I hear Louis precious laugh.

"You should have seen your face!" He exclaims and splashes water on me.

"Oh I'm gonna get you!" I defend and swim towards him. He keeps laughing and swims away from me. When I finally catch up to him I wrap my arms around him from the back. He keeps laughing along with me trying to get away from my grip. But his body is pressed against mine and I get a bit too comfortable as his bum presses against my crotch under the surface. Suddenly the laughter fades and Louis slowly turns around. We both stare at each other as my hands are now around his waist. His hair is pushed back and water is dripping down his skin. His eyes are one with the ocean and he's looking right at me. And I can see him. Oh god do I see him...

"Got you"

I whisper. He gulps as I pull him by his waist carefully. He places his hand on my firm chest and I worry that he can feel my heartbeat faster than ever. I slowly lean my head closer to his but I don't know if I dare to. It can end in any way. I stare down at his plumb glossy lips. Shit, I want to kiss him. I need to kiss him. Something tells me that he want to too.

"I kind of need to talk to you about something..." Louis at last whispers, being way too obvious as he stares at my lips. I hate that sentence. When someone needs to talk to you, you know that it's rarely anything good.

"Sure... What is it?" I say and loosen my grip on his hips. I lean a bit away but he doesn't. That's when we're rudely disturbed by the guys being who they are and running down the pier, being much louder than necessarily. Louis clears his throat and leans away from me.


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