Chapter 21.

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The morning light reveals Louis' exposed upper body in a completely different perspective. I have never noticed how visible his collarbones are. I've never noticed how detailed his tattoos are. And this is probably the first time i've heard him talk so clearly. I mean, I've always known that he talks in his sleep. But it has always been this kind of small unclear mumble. But now I can hear every word so clearly and it makes absolutely no sense.

My eyes scan every inch that the white sheet is willing to show. His tanned slim torso is drawing all of my attention, until he inhales deeply, causing my eyes to turn to his lips. His soft sweet warm lips that were on mine last night. God. Last night sure was something special.


I did it. I actually did it. I kissed Louis fucking Tomlinson. I just want to grab his face and do it all over again and never stop. His lips are moist and bruised as he's standing right in front of me dead silent. The chilly wind is breezing through his soft hair, revealing more of his beautiful face. His tiny little nose is reddening, telling me it is only getting colder and colder outside the nightclub.

"A-Are you cold?"

I at last stutter. Causing the tension between us to shift from passionate to awkward. Louis' lips curve into a smile as he sighs, causing the cold air to turn into smoke. He slowly nods at me with the smile not leaving his face.

"Come on. Let's go home."

He says and wraps his arm around me, directing me to our car. The nervousness is constant and I just want to be able to act as normal as he is. But I just can't get over the fact that I actually kissed him.

Louis gets in and sits right behind the wheel. I sit next to him on the front seat. When I put the seat belt on I notice that my hands are literally trembling. I need to calm down. As he starts the car I lean my head back, shut my eyes and take a deep breath. The fact that my head is still spinning from all the alcohol is not helping. I just want to sober up, calm down and be able to think clearly. I don't know anything right now. All I know is that I kissed him.

As we drive off Louis gives me several glances, checking up on me. I can literally feel how flushed my cheeks are every time his eyes turn to me. As soon as he looks at me my heart skips a beat and I don't know how to prevent it from happening. Suddenly Louis places his hand on mine and everything stops. And I mean everything.

My heart stops beating and my eyes set on him. I keep looking at him, unable to pull my stare away. A silly smirk is permanent on his face. He is keeping his eyes on the road and steers the wheel with only one hand. Before I know it he parks the car right outside our building. But as the car stops he removes his hand from mine, causing the warmth to disappear with him.

He takes his seat belt off and before I know it I am leaning into him, softly pressing my lips on his. I obviously catch him off guard, but he doesn't pull away. He just breaths in deeply and caresses my hair, pulling me closer into him. I cup his face and lean closer, almost ready to move away from my seat and on his lap instead. But just when the kiss gets more intense he stops. He's still barely an inch away from me with his hands locked in my curls.

"You're so beautiful, Harry"

He whispers. My heart aches and I feel something I've honestly never felt before. The feeling is unusual, but amazing, and I never want it to go away. His blue glossy eyes are looking so deeply into mine that I blush and lower my gaze.

Later I lay wide awake on my side of the bed as Louis is turning the lights off. I for some reason feared that he would let me sleep on the mattress, as usual, but he apparently wanted my company tonight just as much as I want his. But as I lay here I get severe anxiety. Thoughts surround my mind of how this is just temporary and that things will surely be different in the light of day. Good things never last for me.

" Are you alright there, love?"

Louis asks as he climbs onto the bed. I look at his exposed upper body as he sits down next to me. I manage to nod, but my stare is locked and my lips are sealed. Fuck, I hate this so much. All I want to do is enjoy this moment while it lasts, but I somehow always find a way to ruin it by over thinking everything.

"What's wrong?" He questions. Clearly not convinced by my slight nod.

"Nothing, really." I lie. Louis sighs and gets in under the sheets. I give in, too tired to discuss this with him. Although it doesn't take long until I feel Louis' arms wrap around me, the warmth of his bare skin keeping me warm and secure.


Louis stutters in his sleep as my severe flashback finishes. I turn to him and patiently wait for him to say what I think he's going to say.


He says at last. As I thought. I can't help but to smile at the boy, talking about tea in his sleep. I then decide to make him some. I walk over to the kitchen and put the kettle on. By the time I've got his favorite Yorkshire tea ready I feel my phone vibrate. It is a text message from a unknown number.

*Hi Harry. It's Liam. You guys left the party early last night, so I didn't get the chance to talk to you. Louis has not been completely honest with you. He will probably kill me for telling you this but I feel like you deserve to know. Can you meet me by Starbucks in 10 minutes?*

I frown at the screen as many questions appear in my head. How did he get my number? What has Louis been lying about? And Starbucks? I had no idea Liam had good taste in cafeterias. Damn, I'm getting off topic. I start thinking and then the thought hits me. It's about Louis being gay. Well I know that now, thank you very much.

*Hi. I already know. He told me last night... But thanks for the concern. You're my kind of pal. Xx."

And as I send the text I remember the tea. By the time I get it ready, Louis has already woken up. He yawns and stretches as he walks into the kitchen. He seems like he has had a good night's sleep. So did I.

"Mornin' "

He says and drinks a glass of water along with some pills. I'm to distracted by how amazing he looks when he's sleepy that I don't question the pills. I don't like to pry anyways. To be honest I was kind of hoping for a morning kiss but as I thought, things are different in the light of day.

My phone suddenly vibrates once again. It is placed on the table right between Louis and I, so of course he glares at the screen. My heart skips a beat when he picks it up.

"Are ya texting Liam?" He questions.

"Uhm.. Yeah..."

He glares at the phone screen and obviously reads our short conversation. He then hands me the phone back and seems to be really pissed about something. He suddenly starts getting dressed, leaving me really confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back in an hour, tops!" He informs and leaves without giving me a second glance. I sigh and look down at my phone. What the hell did Liam write? And as I open our conversation I see that Louis deleted Liam's last message. What the fuck is going on?


Hope you liked this chapter. Make sure to watch the video on the multimedia! It is a teaser I made for this story. Hope you all have a good day! Take care.

Love always, S.

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