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Summary: When Natasha surprises Yelena with a weekend at Tony Stark's house at the beach, Yelena and Natasha are reminded of some memories from their past. However, they both end up having fun and helping each other forget and forge new, happy memories together.

   "Wow... Stark really is loaded," Yelena uttered as she and Natasha exited the car and looked at the beach house that Tony had given them permission to stay at for the weekend. Natasha grinned a bit at the blonde.

Natasha had wanted to give her sister the gift of experiencing the beach for the first time, and she had talked to Tony to make it happen. She and Yelena had been watching Lifetime's Beaches movie, and Yelena had expressed an interest in seeing a beach one day for real. Tony, of course, had agreed to help her, and had very generously and kindly offered one of his several beach houses to the both of them.

When Yelena had found out, she was very excited, but she had tried to be at least a little cool about it. However, at every turn, she was grinning, which was very telling about her true feelings.

And now that they were pulled up in front of the beach house, Yelena was completely bumfuzzled at the sight of the house. She had not really focused on the ocean or the beach just yet, and Natasha honestly found it adorable how surprised Yelena was.

Natasha went around to the back of the car, pausing as she looked at the suitcases. She ultimately decided that they could unload the vehicle later and that they should just jump right into going to the beach. She dug through the bag she had brought with beach supplies, searching for the sunscreen.

"I think it has a pool. No offense to Stark, but that's the definition of being stupid rich. Why would you need a pool when you have a whole ocean?" Yelena questioned, coming around to the back of the car as she looked over Natasha's shoulder. Natasha just shrugged, searching through all of the many things she had packed away.

"I don't know. I guess because the ocean is polluted to some extent and at least you know what's in the pool," Natasha answered, and Yelena placed her chin on Natasha's shoulder, looking down at the bag.

"What're you looking for?" Yelena asked after a moment, and Natasha finally found her product of choice.

"Sunscreen, but I just found it," Natasha spoke up with a slight smile as she turned her head slightly to look at the blonde. Yelena raised an eyebrow, unimpressed with the idea as she slid her chin slowly off of Natasha's shoulder.

"Why do we need that? I mean... I've got a killer tan that I'm trying to keep. And besides, you could really use a tan in the first place, pasty butt," Yelena pointed out mischievously, and Natasha just huffed with a light roll of her eyes.

"It doesn't stop you from getting a tan. It keeps you from getting rays from the sun that cause cancer."

"What happened to being a big, tough girl? A tumor's removable," Yelena deadpanned, and Natasha just shook her head, turning to Yelena with the tube in her hands.

"Stay still, sweet girl," Natasha commanded gently, and Yelena paused, groaning over-exaggeratedly as Natasha squirted some of the stuff on her fingers.

As soon as Natasha made contact with her face, Yelena scrunched her nose, seemingly not appreciating Natasha's sunscreen-coated thumb gently tracing across her skin. However, Natasha could see how Yelena did not jerk her face away, which told the redhead that Yelena was enjoying the attention a bit more than she would like to let on.

When she finally finished putting it on Yelena's face, she rubbed her hands together, opening one of them and extending it to Yelena's arm.

"Let me have your arm," Natasha told her, and Yelena sighed deeply but immediately complied, letting her hand gently touch Natasha's arm as she held her arm out to her. Natasha gently ran her hands along Yelena's arm, applying the sunscreen. Natasha then squirted more on her hands, and Yelena was already offering her other one before Natasha could ask for it.

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