Don't Break Me Like This: Part 2

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Summary: After Kate heals from breaking her arm in training with Natasha, Kate finally starts her training once again. However, Natasha has been increasingly avoiding her and growing more and more distant. When Yelena finally gives in and asks Kate to talk to Natasha, Kate finds out that Natasha is still positively haunted by the guilt of accidentally breaking Kate's arm. However, when Kate tries to get to the bottom of it and discuss it with her, things go terribly wrong...

   It had been a couple of days after the mess with Natasha, and Kate still felt as if she were being ripped apart. She had not seen Natasha at all since it happened, and she could not even make an attempt to speak to the older woman as she so desperately wanted to. She kept catching small glances of red going around corners, but every time that she tried to hurry and catch up to hopefully speak to her, all signs of Natasha were completely gone as if she had never been there.

However, instead of discouraging Kate, Natasha's avoidance of her was doing quite the opposite. Kate was steadily growing more and more determined to catch the Black Widow and to force her to speak to her and work this out with her one way or another.

And to her surprise, she even seemed to have Yelena's support in all of this. Yelena had a strangely saddened and almost perplexed look on her face since this had all went down, and Kate knew that Yelena was terribly upset about her sister being in such a state as she was now.

Kate was honestly shocked that Yelena had been acting more civil toward her now, and they almost seemed as if they had some manner of common ground in being worried about Natasha. Kate knew that this truce would only last as long as Natasha's unhappiness did, but she still appreciated the fact that Yelena loved Natasha so much that she would lay aside all hostilities to try to make her happy again.

At this point, Kate was sitting in her room and trying her best to think of some way in which to get Natasha's attention. She had sent the older woman plenty of texts and had called her, leaving a voicemail multiple times, and absolutely none of them had received a response. By now, she knew that there was no real way to get Natasha to speak to her unless she somehow managed to find her in-person.

Just as she started to text the woman again, she suddenly received a message from one of the last people that she expected to hear from.

"I have a plan to fix this, Kate Bishop," Yelena had sent to her, and Kate's eyes widened as she took in the words.

It was not as if she did not get texts from Yelena or text Yelena that often. Kate was oftentimes sending TikTok links to Yelena and she knew that Yelena watched them because she would often reply with something sardonic that indicated that she had seen them. On the rare occasion, Yelena would send her something along with some sarcastic message to go along with them.

"What do you have in mind? I'll do anything," Kate typed back quickly, her eyes glued to the screen as she eagerly eyed the phone. It took a few moments and Kate almost felt as if she were going to burst from anticipation.

"Go to me and Natasha's room and wait in there. I'll take care of the rest," Yelena replied, and Kate let out a small breath, feeling hope rising within her as she swiftly stood up and hurried out of her apartment in the compound. She made a run for Natasha and Yelena's room, and once she finally found herself sitting in there on the edge of the bed, she texted Yelena back hurriedly.

"I'm here. What now?" Kate told her, and she took the time to take in the room around her. To her surprise, she spotted the purple bear that she had won with Natasha's help at the fair that they had visited a while back. She felt her heart melting, and she honestly could not believe that Natasha had kept it after Kate gave it to her. Especially since it was so goofy and opposite of what Natasha usually would have enjoyed.

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