Don't Break Me Like This: Part 1

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Summary: After Kate heals from breaking her arm in training with Natasha, Kate finally starts her training once again. However, Natasha has been increasingly avoiding her and growing more and more distant. When Yelena finally gives in and asks Kate to talk to Natasha, Kate finds out that Natasha is still positively haunted by the guilt of accidentally breaking Kate's arm. However, when Kate tries to get to the bottom of it and discuss it with her, things go terribly wrong...

   Kate let out a deep sigh, not understanding what was taking Natasha so long and why she was not there outside in the compound yard as she had promised she would be. She furrowed her brow, looking all around as she took in her surroundings and searched for any signs of that bright, beautiful red hair.

It had been about two weeks since Kate's arm had fully healed from the incident when Natasha had accidentally broken it in training. Natasha had felt absolutely horrible about it, and Kate had done her best to try to reassure the older woman that there was truly no problem and that she still trusted her, Natasha still seemed to hold onto it a little.

This week, they were scheduled to finally start training together again, and so far, out of the five sessions that were supposed to happen, Natasha had missed every single one of them, her excuses growing increasingly ridiculous. Kate would usually either get a short text from Natasha herself or Yelena would tell her in passing that her sister was busy that day and could not train.

Not only was she not training with Kate, but she had been distancing herself from her in terms of social interaction as well. Kate was lucky to get a hello from her as she passed by her in the halls much less an actual conversation and one of those loving smiles that Natasha gave her that made Kate feel that she was perfectly safe and seen.

Kate honestly was not sure what was going on, and it was starting to worry her that something was more deeply wrong with Natasha. She could not help but wonder if it was something to do with the broken arm incident, but she was not too sure and did not want to assume so she had not confronted her about it.

However, Kate was swiftly shaken from her thoughts as she spotted a certain blonde heading her way. Kate furrowed her brow, starting to walk toward her to meet her halfway.

"Natasha's not coming to training today, Kate Bishop," Yelena replied, and Kate furrowed her brow, concern filling her. Her worry was only magnified by how Yelena looked almost perplexed instead of the usual nonchalant way that she had when telling Kate that Natasha was not coming. The fact that Yelena had walked all the way out here to find her also spoke volumes.

"Did she say why?" Kate questioned somewhat weakly, wishing she understood why Natasha was completely refusing to interact with her. Yelena let out a deep breath, looking down for a long moment, and Kate honestly expected another excuse as the silence continued to drag itself out.

However, she did not at all expect when Yelena spoke and actually said—

"Natasha needs you," Yelena uttered quietly, looking back up at Kate, and Kate just gaped at her. That was literally the last thing that she would have ever expected Yelena to say.

"What?" Kate questioned blankly, not understanding what the blonde was talking about. Yelena huffed impatiently, a semblance of her usual self coming back despite the fact that she looked horribly uncomfortable at the moment.

"You need to talk to her. I can't," Yelena let out a puff of air from her cheeks as she looked away. Kate was quickly understanding just how hard it was for Yelena to say the words, and she just stared at her quietly.

"I can't fix her," Yelena admitted, sounding as if the very words were poison upon her tongue, and Kate was completely baffled at what she was hearing.

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