✦ chapter one hundred thirty two.

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ೃ༄ "

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ೃ༄ "...tarnishes your beauty."

now that the night raven students changed into their new outfits, rollo cleared his throat to gather their attention as the chatters ceased. "all good. let's hurry now and head to the city. there are many things to see in the city of flowers. it will never be enough to gaze at them all, no matter how much time we may have."

"yeah!" cheered the vice president, "in the evening, there will be a show at the main festival's stage. you simply must witness it yourselves!"

contrary to the vice president's enthusiasm, rollo had a scowl on his face as he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and whispered to himself, "hmph... the festival. then there's even less time."

f/n eyed him for a quick second as she thought to herself, 'he dislikes the festival, it seems...'

"mhm. then as we discussed previously, let us split into three groups to do the fieldwork," said professor trein, "do you all remember your groups?"

azul nodded as he gestured to epel, f/n, and deuce, "yes. we are group a."

"star team..." mumbled idia as he, rook, ruggie, and silver stood together. 

"group one," spoke malleus as he, sebek, jamil, and riddle stood together. f/n frowned as she spoke to malleus, "we won't be in the same group. please be careful out there." malleus chuckled at her worrywart attitude and said, "sebek is with me. i'll be fine. you should enjoy your time."

f/n sighed and replied, "alright..." rollo eyed f/n as he spoke, "...worry not, lady l/n. i am certain nothing horrible will happen to your... king." 

the lady stayed silent before humming in response, "alright..." she then stood beside azul as the octavinelle dorm head held her hand. rollo sighed as he spoke, "that disparity is not good."

"there was a fuss about the ranking during our meetings... none of them would group together," said trein. the student council president hummed and looked at yuu, "i see... then, what will yuu-kun be doing?"

"we planned for yuu and grim to stay with me," said trein, "so i'm not worried about these two, but the rest..." the professor sighed as he diverted his attention to the night raven students, "listen, night raven college. i have said this a number of times back at school, but it bears saying once more... do not cause any trouble in the city by using magic."

the night raven students nodded as azul replied, "we won't. causing violence or even a fuss would be beyond the limit for us." 

"we're all warm, good-natured people with common sense~" cooed idia, causing f/n to raise a brow at him. the ignihyde dorm head grinned before looking back at the professor. 

'good-natured? yeah, sure...'

"do we look like the kind of ruffians that would be rude to those they know not?" spoke malleus as he crossed his arms with a small smile on his face.

"WE'LL DEFINITELY BEHAVE!!!" yelled the rest of the students as f/n nodded, as if agreeing with their statement.

trein looked worried, rather than joyful, as he stated, "those smiles increase my anxiety. unleashing these students who are still children on this particularly peaceful city of shaftlands... haaa, no... the residents have no idea what's happening. we will be circulating and we can meet at any time, so if you run into any issues, please contact us immediately. my cellphone number is written at the bottom of your travel guide. make sure to save it in your mobile phones."

"yeah, yeah~ i'll do it later," replied ruggie nonchalantly. 

"do it now!" scolded trein. 

"quite strict..." commented rollo, "i must continue my tasks back at the academy. how i wish i could continue attending to you... when i have everything settled, i also plan to come out to the city. do not hesitate to communicate with me." 

"that's reassuring... alright, everyone. be careful," said trein.

"yes, sir!!!"

rollo then looked at f/n as he approached her, "if you need anything, do let me know."

"...yes, flamme-san," mumbled f/n, "rest assured, we'll be fine." the student council president hummed before looking at yuu with a smile, "well, then. i'll be off."

'he's being so friendly with yuu,' thought f/n, '...for what reason? does he know yuuken harbours no magic?'

suddenly, f/n's phone vibrated in her pocket as she took it out and unlocked the device. the vibration she felt was a notification stating that she received a message from her father.

'my child! you're in the city of flowers? why did you not tell me? i would've sent you a care package!'

the military officer blinked at her father's message before typing down her reply.

'that's not necessary, father. how did you know i'm in the city of flowers?'

'an old birdie told me.'

f/n sighed in response, "seriously, headmaster..." azul glanced at her before looking back at trein as they continued talking.

'by the way, my dear daughter. take care and make sure to carry out your duties properly. you may be one of the strongest soldiers in briar valley, but you're still my child. i don't want anything bad to happen to you.'

the diasomnia lady raised a brow at her father's sudden attitude as she thought to herself, 'father usually doesn't worry about me too much... does he think that something will happen to me?'

'i'll be alright, father... you don't have to worry so much.'

"———/n? f/n? angelfish?"

azul's words snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked at him, "ah, sorry, 'zul. what is it?"

"it's time for us to tour around the city," replied azul, "come, we don't want to leave you behind." he then extended his hand towards f/n as she intertwined her hands with his.


'your impure being stains everyone you associate with... it's a shame your impurities as a fae tarnishes your beauty, lady l/n.'

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