✦ chapter one hundred thirty nine.

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ೃ༄ "the power of the l/ns and draconias

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ೃ༄ "the power of the l/ns and draconias..."

"you seem to love your king so much to the point you'd sacrifice yourself... if that's the case..." trailed rollo as he held onto his staff, "i shall leave him a depressing gift!" 

f/n laughed at his words, "you are trying to kill me? ahaha! you should sign up as a comedian! you're a hundred years too early to even land a scratch on me!" rollo glared at the laughing lady, "you think you can run free over this world? how despicable..." 

the crimson flowers started surrounding f/n as rollo smirked, "it was a funny sight to see such godly magicians run away in fear... why do you fear such beautiful flowers? do you treasure your magic that much?" f/n rolled her eyes as she leaped off into the air to stand away from the flowers, "you're asking the obvious. who would be happy to be robbed of such a gift? an asset that every single mage has cultivated for themselves?"

"hm... you view magic as an asset, hm? i can't say i agree with your logic. magic is evil," said rollo, "it is a dangerous power that tempts people! i find magicians like you despicable. it is a shame your beauty is stained by your fascination with witchcraft..."

f/n raised a brow as she responded, "oh? crushing on me now? get in line, rollo. don't be a hypocrite, you have magic yourself." rollo glared at the lady, "...you are a monster. don't lump me with the likes of you! we are different! i am not the least bit scared of losing my powers." he swung his staff around as if to land a spell on her until f/n felt a pair of arms grabbing her waist and pulling her away from rollo.

malleus stood there with a glare as he pulled f/n close, "don't you dare lay a hand on her, or i will make you regret it."

f/n looked up and felt a rush of relief, "mal... you're safe." aelyn waved at her sister with her brow raised, "uh... hello? idia, azul, and i are safe, too." f/n sighed as malleus spoke, "i know what you're doing, flamme... but let me warn you, i care not what your reasons may be. i will stop you. i fight for the people you've already robbed, for my friends waiting back at school, for my people in the valley, and for f/n. not only that, but i have my own personal grudge against you that i must take care of, too. we will destroy these flowers and set the world back on track with the power of that bell!"

rollo crossed his arms as he eyed malleus up and down, "hm... for f/n l/n as well? is she not capable of protecting herself?" f/n's eye twitched as she looked rollo in annoyance, "insulting me will just piss him off more." rollo snickered as he said, "you sure live up to your reputation as prefects and soldiers. well, then... come at me. i will make these crimson flowers bloom with you all as an offering!"

f/n immediately stood in front of the group as she shielded them. aelyn stood beside her as f/n said, "aelyn, get back." the younger l/n sighed as she retorted, "no. you may be the all-powerful soldier of briar valley, but prince malleus is our next king, too. i will assist you in protecting them."

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