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I felt so tired, but sleep wouldn't come.

It's been four days since the attack. Today was just a little more exhausting than all the others.

It started like all the other days since we moved here. With my fighting lessons, then breakfast and then Wrin would come over to watch me while Devon and David went out doing whatever they did. Wrin had informed me that they were holding a funeral for all the members who we lost.

I stood by their side as the bodies were placed down in a clearing. Wood was packed neatly and they were set on fire. Wrin had explained that it was the way they said goodbye. They couldn't risk their bodies being dug up again. By setting them on fire, they destroyed every chance of humans using them again. The smell of smoke and burning bodies had filled the air. Everyone was silent. It was like they had already cried themselves out days before, and they probably had.

I had cried silent tears when I saw them carrying little Abby's body. She was carefully laid on top. It hit me then. What sick people killed little kids? She had done nothing wrong. We stood there until the cold had seeped through the thick layers of clothing I wore. David had escorted me home, but he left almost immediately, and then returned three hours later.

I sighed and turned onto my back.

Tomorrow was Christmas.

It would be the first time spending it with someone else. We wouldn't really be celebrating, though. There were no decorations up. Not even a tree! We wouldn't be exchanging presents either.

A sudden heaviness settled inside my stomach. I felt lonely, and sad. I actually missed home. That was something I couldn't understand since I was never happy there. Aunt only visited me now and again and even then she usually criticized me. Maybe I felt this way because of losing Abby. I barely knew her but the few minutes I spend with her, I actually like her.

What if Abby were our child? I froze as the thought raced through my mind.

A family of my own. Two boys that looked like them, or maybe a little girl. The longing inside me intensified. I wanted a real family, and not just with anyone, I wanted one with David and Devon.

A family with at least three kids.

Being an only child sucked. I would make sure that they were accepted no matter what. They would be provided for when something happened to us. I blinked up at the ceiling, and then threw back the covers. Walking over to the end of the bed, I grabbed the dressing gown and pulled it on.

After tying the slash, I exit the room and walked down the hall. I paused when I heard low voices coming from the living room. My heartbeat increased as fear washed through me. That was until I recognized the deep voices.

My eyes widened when I stepped out of the hall and into the living room. A tall Christmas tree stood in the corner. Colourful lights flickered on and off. David sat on the couch, trying to wrap a medium-sized box in colourful paper. Devon was on his knees by the tree doing something.

"I still say we should do it the traditional way," David muttered.

"You want her to freeze her ass of in traditional clothing?" Devon asked. "Or do you want other unmated males to lust after her sexy body?"

David growled. "Don't."

"We will still be having a feast with the pack, and we will still be marked in front of them. The only difference is the fact that Val will be dancing for our eyes only."

"We should talk about the fluid sharing parts."

"What's to talk about?" Devon turned to face David. "She knows everything she needs to know."

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