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"How long have you and my son been seeing each other?"

I hesitated. "Around two months."

His eyes dropped to my hands clutched together on my lap. When he glanced up at me, I saw a hint of amusement in his golden gaze. "And both of you are ready to tie the knot?"

"Is it against your culture to marry so soon?" I asked before I could stop myself.

David threw his head back and laughed. After a few minutes, his laugh faded. Shaking his head, he stood and walked over to the window to stare outside. Silence surrounded us for a while before he turned back. He gave me a small smile.

"I'm actually surprised that you haven't already been married yet. If you're in love and certain you want to spend the rest of your life with someone then we won't stop you." His smile faded as he tilted his head to the side. "Do you love my son, Lara? Do you truly love him?"

The question was very important to him. I could tell by the way he watched me and patiently waited for my answer. I licked my lips and swallowed before answering him.

"I love your son, Mr. David. Nothing in the world would be able to change my mind."

David gave me a sardonic smile. He shook his head as he walked away. I turned my head and watched him until he disappeared into the kitchen. The apartment was so silent I could actually hear him moving around. What was he doing? Curiosity was killing me, but I was too scared to move. I knew nothing about this man who claimed to be Silas's father.

They looked nothing alike. Although they were the same height and had the same body built. What if he was some crazy man? There had to be a reason for Silas to have left home so soon. Something had happened and I was dying to know what.

I jerked in fright when the front door was suddenly thrown open.

"Lara?" Silas called as he stormed inside.

He suddenly froze and tilted his head to the side. In an instant his eyes snapped over to mine. Worry darkened his gaze as he made his way towards me. He walked around the couch and sunk down on his knees in front of me. Hands cupped my cheeks and tilted my face up to his. His eyes darted all over my face before locking with mine.

"Are you okay?"

Movement from the corner of my eyes caught my attention. I turned my head to watch as David exit the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand.

"I'm afraid I scared your fiancé a little," he muttered before taking a sip.

Silas tensed. In the next second he was on his feet and heading straight for the man. I stumbled to my feet with a gasp when Silas grabbed him by his collar, spun him around and slammed him into the wall. The glass dropped and smashed to pieces on the tiled floor.

"Easy son," David rasped when Silas pressed an arm against his neck. "You don't want me to embarrass you by putting you on your ass in front of Lara."

Silas's hold eased slightly but he didn't move back. "How did you find me?"

"It was pretty easy." David smiled. "Wrin traced the call."

"Fucking bastard. I'm going to kill him." Silas moved back and ran a hand through his hair. "Get out."

David straightened and glanced at me. "You know I can't do that, son. I came here for a reason and I'm not leaving unless you're coming with me."

"I've told Wrin and mother that I'm not going for Ethan's ceremony," Silas yelled. "Nothing you say will make me change my mind! So guess what father? You flew all this way for nothing. Get. Out."

MATED TO SERIES COLLECTIONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora