Jihope (sweet)

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Jimin were walking to the dance studio where he was going to meet his dance teacher Hoseok. He was in the bad mood and the only thing remotly cheering him up was the fact he was going to see Hoseok. He had, had a crush on him for a long time and knew that it would make him feel a bit better to see his beautiful smile. They went to the same school but Hoseok was a year older than him. As he walked in Hoseok started to smile right away making the butterflies in Jimin's stomach to do backflips.

"Hi Jimin." Hoseok said cheerfully. Jimin tried his best to give a smile that seemed convencing.

"Hi." Jimin really didn't want to burden him with his stupid problems.

"Should we get started?" Hoseok asked and Jimin gave a little nod. He turned on the music and they began.
After about a hour where Jimin just didn't seem to get the moves right, Hoseok turned off the music.

"Okay I feel like we need to talk, can you sit down?" Hoseok asked. Jimin sat down not wanting to look at the older. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jimin said and did everything to avoid eye contact.

"I know you don't want me to buy that." Hoseok said with a slightly hard tone "You can do these steps in your sleep. I know I'm your dance teacher and all but I like to think that somewhere along the way I became someone you can trust." Jimin looked at him. He did trust him. A lot.

"I just have a bad day that's all." Jimin said and shrugged his shoulders. Hoseok moved behind Jimin and started to give him some massage on his back. Jimin was frozen at first but soon enjoyed the touch of his hands.

"Tell me about it." Hoseok's lips were so close to Jimin's ears that it send a shiver down his spine and made his heart beat awefully hard.

"It's just my parents got into a fight this morning and I know it dosn't mean that they're going to split up but it's still not nice. "Jimin started feeling completly safe with Hoseok. "When I came to school we got this test and I'm pretty sure it didn't go too well. Then in the cafeteria my best friend and I starts fighting and he refused talking to me all day. At last I tripped and fell to the ground infront of most of the school." Jimin was upset and it showed in his voice. Hoseok had moved his hands to Jimin's head and was giving him massage there. Jimin tried desperately to not lean into the touch too much and also not to make any  inappropriate sounds.

"Hm I can understand you'll be upset over that but listen when you come home the chances are your parents have already made up. You probably did well on the test, you just don't know and if you didn't is not the end of the world. Your best friend and you are going to make up too because that's what friends do. Also someone will probably slip on something in the cafeteria tomorrow and everyone will forget what happend today. Don't worry about it. Okay?" Hoseok said and in that moment Jimin believed it. In all honesty he could probably tell him that unicorns were real an Jimin would believe it.

"Okay. Thank you for understanding and for the massage." Jimin said relaxed. Hoseok shifted so he was sitting face to face with Jimin "You're a good friend." Jimin said. He was just happy that they were at least that but Hoseok frowned.

"Yeah about that." Hoseok said a sudden nervousness coming over him "This might not be the right time, considering you had a bad day and all. But there is something I wanted to say to you for a long time. I just need to get it out or I think my heart will explode." Jimin was the one to frown now.

"Okay?" Jimin said not sure where this was going.

"I like you. A lot. Like more than a friend. It's just everytime I have these dance classes with you I can't wait and I have butterflies in my stomach that goes crazy everytime I see you. I know this might ruin everything between us but I just can't live without you knowing how I feel." Hoseok was a little suprised by himself he had just poured out his heart to the person that meant the world to him. And that person was just sitting looking at him. No trace of emotion whatsoever.
While Hoseok had said all this Jimin's face had dropped and thoughts were spinning around in his head almost making him sick. He was so happy that he said it but it was impossible. He had just has the worst day and then the thing he wanted most to happen, happend. That couldn't be true. Jimin were waiting for Hoseok to break out into a smile and tell him it was a joke. When it didn't come, Jimin himself broke into a smile.

"Are you serious?" Jimin asked.

"Yes of course I am." Hoseok said and a smile crept onto his lips too.

"I like you back. For the longest time. All the things you just said I feel the same way." The boys were now both just sitting and smiling.

"So Jimin would you like to go on a date with me?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes I really do." Jimin said and swung his arms around Hoseok. Hoseok held him tightly too. When they pulled away, their faces only an inch or so apart, Hoseok couldn't help it. He leaned in and their lips met in a sweet and loving kiss. He gently pushed Jimin down so he was lying on his back. Sparks flew in the air as their lips moved, fitting perfectly. Jimin put his arms around his neck. At last they had to pull away to get some air.

"I guess it's a good day anyway." Jimin said before pulling Hoseok down for another kiss.

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