60 : Try To Break Me

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Your POV

I stared up at the ceiling, counting in my head for no particular reason.
It was half past five in the morning, and the music from downstairs had only just turned down, signalising that the party was finally coming to an end.
I rested my hands over my stomach, feeling the sequined material of my dress beneath my fingertips.
I still hadn't bothered to change, but I was too agitated to care.
"I hope your dad gets home soon." I muttered quietly, my throat tightening uneasily.
Jason lived the kind of life where nothing and nobody was safe. Whenever he went out, I couldn't help but fear him not coming back.
I wanted my daughter to grow up with a father.
A real father.
It was something I never really had.

As if on queue, my phone rang, making me flinch from the sudden noise.
I instantly grabbed it and answered, relieved to know that Jason would be on the other end of the line.
"Hello." I said quickly, sitting up in bed and desperate to make sure nothing bad had happened.

However, the person who replied was not Jason.

"Hello there, I believe I am speaking to Y/n?" A woman's voice rang in my ears, and an unexpected and newfound jealously rushed through my body.

"Who the fuck is this?" I hissed, and panic flooded my mind.
Ever since Jason and I had become more complicated, I was constantly petrified that I would be replaced.

"My name is officer Josie Falls," The voice replied, which only caused me to tense further. "I'm at the scene of a crime in which your boyfriend appears to be involved in. He has been uncooperative in answering any sort of questions, and if this kind of behaviour continues, then we will have no choice but to transfer him to the station for further questioning. However, he has requested to speak to you and the crew are allowing a maximum of ten minutes on the phone. Your boyfriend is under arrest for suspicions of trespassing, attempted murder and the identity of Jason McCann - who I'm sure you've heard of before. If he is proven innocent after the questioning session, he will be free to go by dusk." She said.

My heart sank and my breath hitched.
This couldn't be happening again.
"Okay." Was all I could think to say, before I heard muffled voices and I assumed the phone was being passed on.

When Jason spoke, his voice sounded calm and almost amused.
"Hey babe," He said casually. "Don't give anything away, there's an officer of the law breathing down my neck." He chuckled. "Oh, and you're on speaker, just to let you know."

My heart pounded intensely. "What the hell have you done?"

"Nothing," He laughed. "Just got caught up in some sort of bullshit, I'll be home soon though. I promise."

"Where are you?" I asked, biting down on my lower lip.

"I'm handcuffed outside Bella's house," He chuckled again. "What a day to be alive." 

I immediately pushed the crisp duvet away from my body and swung my legs over the side of the bed. "I'm coming over there."

Jason didn't hesitate to tell me what I was doing. "No you're not." His voice was stern all of a sudden. "You're going to stay at home and wait for me to come back, okay? I'll be fine baby," He paused for a moment before whispering down the line. "Trust me."

Something in the way he spoke already told me that he had planned something.
I let out an exasperated sigh and pressed my hand to my forehead.

"Don't make a mess."


Jason's POV

"Are you ready to cooperate now?"

The two officers stood before me, both of them clutching clipboards.
But this time, they were accompanied by an older officer who had the glare of satan.
A silver moustache grew neatly above his frowning mouth, ageing wrinkles covered his gray face and his pale blue eyes drilled into me with an unnecessary hatred.
He was unmistakably the type of person who was used to getting the best of people, and if he thought he could control me, then he had a whole new thing coming.
His stare was the type of stare that would force people to look away, but I glowered back at him, letting him know that he wasn't going to break me.

"No." I replied through gritted teeth, narrowing my eyes at the older man, daring him to break contact.
But it appeared that he was just as good at this game as I was, and he folded his arms across his chest and stepped forward, bending down so that his face was level with mine.
I was still sat on the concrete, and I wasn't getting up.

"Listen kid," The man growled. "If you don't start talking, you're gonna be in a lot more trouble than you are already. So I suggest you wipe that cocky smirk off your face, and cooperate." His accent was western, and I tilted my head to the side, my lips tugging up at the corners.

"If I start talking, I think I'd end up in more trouble, Sir." I shrugged casually. "So I'd rather not."

The man inched closer to my face, visibly expecting me to flinch back, but I stayed completely still, feeling calm and unthreatened.
The officers breath fanned my face as he spoke and it smelled like a mix of toothpaste and tobacco. "You've got a lot of nerve, kid." He groused.

I nodded in agreement.
"What would I be if I didn't?"

The man growled lowly, and I could tell that I was testing his patience. "You would be respectful, and polite."

I chuckled in amusement. "I'm respectful towards the people who have respect for me." I informed him, narrowing my eyes. "You're in my face. I don't like you."

The officer suddenly grabbed my bruised jaw in his hand and harshly pulled my face up, trying to make me look vulnerable in front of the dozen officers that were hanging around the porch, and questioning Will who was sat behind the police car, also in cuffs. "Feelings are mutual." The ageing officer whispered, his voice hollow and sinister.

I thinned my eyes into slits and spat in his face, causing him to instantly flinch back in disgust.
"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed, sitting up straight to show that I was not going to be a slave to this situation. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

He wiped his face with his sleeve and grimaced in disapproval. "I'm an officer of the law," He snapped. "And what I'm dealing with now is just a delusional boy who thinks he's better than everyone else here."

I clenched my jaw and shook my head.
"No." I said slowly, my lips curling into a smirk. "You're dealing with something you've never dealt with before."

"Really?" The man looked amused "And what might that be?" The officer raised an eyebrow.



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