Faction leaders and companions react to losing everything

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Danse's reaction completely is swayed by when it takes place. If it's pre-BB...I think it's damn safe to say that he will be so crazed and grief stricken that he will do everything in his power to get his revenge..and then maybe take his own life just so he wouldn't have to bare the pain of killing yet another one of his friends because of "duty". However if it is after BB, I highly doubt he would go on that murder-suicide rampage.

Instead Danse would completely shut himself out, choosing to be as far away from people as possible. The solitude, in Danse's mind, is the only comfort he can achieve. Nothing else makes sense to him anymore. He understands that the brotherhood had many enemies, shit..he was one of them too- but that still didn't make the pain of losing everything he worked for and the people he did so with. After all, Danse still considers them his family...even if they all would shoot him dead. If sole were to disrespect Danse's wishes of solitude, then they may just catch the poor man silently crying as he clutches his old holo tags.

It hurts. It just hurts..


His entire life would crumble before him.

Deacon would feel like he was back at square one. All that sacrifice, all the people he learned to never get close to..all of them, dead for not a damn thing. For someone who prides himself in being able to stay composed, Deacon's facade is completely obliterated. All the sorrow, anger, melancholy that he had bottled up just comes spewing out like a volcano of grief. Whoever was responsible for this...they'll wish they had never crossed him.


She'll take this as a great failure..nay, the greatest failure ever to have been achieved. It not only hurts to know that so many of the people she loved died for naught, but now she must bare the weight of an entire race being permanently enslaved on top of it all. Life couldn't possibly be any worse than it is now.


Typical of a raider, Gage feels nothing but immense rage. It all stems from something he knows all too well, betrayal. Isn't it sickening? He sure as fuck thinks so. You can guarantee that he will find the bastard responsible, break them into nothingness and tear them apart. He never was merciful anyway.


It is highly unlikely that Arthur would still be alive in the event of his faction going down, but let's just say that he is.

First, the once mighty elder maxson would have to face the fact that he no longer lives up to the prestigious Maxson name. But that wasn't really the first thing that came into his mind. Since his faction was just a mere chapter, he would have to return to the Capital Wasteland and go back to the Citadel. The entire time he waits, Arthur can hardly handle the deep agony that starts to build- the faces of all those soldiers and scribes that looked at him like he was some divine being..they wouldn't leave him be. The men and women that cried his name in battle, they were gone and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

The worst of it all was the squires. Oh god, the squires. Their innocent faces were practically seared into his mind- causing him to sob until no sound would come out, an occurrence that happens frequently. The whole ordeal caused him to drown out his pain with copious amounts of liquor, drinking himself to the point of making an even bigger fool of himself via having to get his stomach pumped or being on the verge of death.

He was finding it hard to care anymore. He just wanted to leave the constant reminders of his failures behind.


As truly sad as it sounds, he knew it was going to happen. That still doesn't mean that he is "okay" with it- oh no, he is very far from okay. For the Minutemen to be completely destroyed, sole would've either had to die or just refuse being their general..and then the remaining bits of them just would've been picked off after one too many raider attacks.

For a few months Preston would try to convince himself that he still had a purpose, that somehow he could still help others despite how hard he had failed..but it all comes crashing down on him whenever he inevitably gets another innocent killed. After that, Preston would be empty on the inside- unable to do so much as look at the shining sun without feeling this overwhelming sense of despair. Any hope he had..it was gone.

It wouldn't take long for him to lose all will to live.


Confusion wouldn't even begin to describe what he feels.

It's much like a victim being hurt by an abuser, only to feel immense sorrow whenever the abuser has been brought to justice. He wants to find a way to tell himself that the Institute's fall was for the best- but he can't get over how...how pointless everything felt afterwards. For as long as he could remember, X6 relied on the cold, mechanical orders of the Institue. Without them in the picture, he feels like he has been casted out into a vast sea without a lifeboat to keep him afloat.

But you'll never be able to tell, at least not until he finally has enough of the misery and lashes out.

Aaaaand we've all seen how Shaun reacts-

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