Male companions react to sole passing out dureing seggs

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The absolute second that he realized you were out, he began to panic. He'd have no chill, stopping right in his tracks before frantically trying to shake you back to consciousness. If you don't happen to stir, he'll end up being just like the poor dude in the original post and bury his face into his hands and start crying.
He'd be the type to think he killed you with his dick.


He takes a surprisingly calm and methodical approach to it and simply stops, gathering some smelling salts out of his knapsack and forcing you back into awareness.

Honestly? If he's close to orgasming, he'll just keep on going until he reaches his end. Afterwards though, he'll gulp and try shaking you back to consciousness.

"......not again."

Freaks out and ends up slapping you to make sure youre still alive.

He's so inexperienced and unfamiliar with this whole thing that he thinks that youre legitimately fucking around with him, so once he sees your eyes roll back and you lose consciousness- he grumbles and tells you it's not funny. However after he realizes that you weren't playing with him, he nearly has an anxiety attack.

Facepalms and stops, opting to read a book while he waits for you to wake back up.

Old Longfellow:
He uh..he does it too, so no worries. He won't flip out.

Flips. His. Shit.
Immediately stops and runs around butt ass naked around the house while he tries to find a way to rouse you back to consciousness. As far as getting "it" back up, you can expect him to feel so guilty that it'll take a while for him to want to again.

Will be the kind to sigh and fetch ice cold water to pour on your face with a disgruntled grimace.

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