Companions comfort a sad sole

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"Hey, whatever it is babe, you're stronger."

Surprisingly enough, she'd be pretty dang good at comforting you- or at least getting you out of your mood and distract your mind. She'd simply sit you down, have you explain what was wrong, and then pump you up with strangely encouraging words. All while she gave you that untamed, gorgeous grin.


"Oh darling, what seems to be the problem?"

The very second she felt that you were sad, she dropped what she was doing to be at your side. depending upon the severity of the issue, she'll play it safe and get you to explain what caused your mood- brushing pieces of your hair out of your face as she coos soft, sweet words to you.


"I'm admittedly not the very best at this kind of thing, *scoff*, you know that..but..just come see."

Staying true to his ways, Danse ends up overcomplicating what he originally intended to do to comfort you. However, you meant so very much to him and seeing you even the slightest bit sad. As such, he'll allow his actions to speak louder and rely on what one of his friends taught him..

Grabbing you in a gentle embrace, the Paladin would take you to your shared bedroom where he would proceed to lay back against the bed- ushering you to his side before he held you close.


"Honey..come on, let's go take a walk.."

Seriousness was something that was rarely shown by the spy, however when it came to your emotions- he always took them serious. As such, he'd frown just a little- grabbing you by the hand before urging you to take a walk. Then he'd take the time out, completely devoted to you, to talk and figure out what's up. He figures a change in scenery is the best.

"Do I need to bash someone's skull in?"

It's probably not the best to tell him of all people that you're sad. It's not because he doesn't care, because believe me, he cares a lot. It's just that he isn't exactly well versed in how to coddle someone, instead he's ready to go seriously fuck up whatever made you unhappy.


"It's alright sunshine, how about we take today off? Hm, just me, you, and a whole lot of snuggles? Sound good?"

Whatever the reason you're sad, Hancock has this magical way of making you forget all about it. In a nutshell, he likes to pamper you- making sure to put whatever missions you had on temporary hold so he can devote the entirety of the day to cheering you up.


"Hey sweetness, don't cry. Look, I've gotcha."

He's surprisingly very sweet when it comes down to comforting you. He also has really good intuition, so even if you don't wish to outright tell him that you've sad- he'll figure it out. So, it'll probably shock you at first- but next thing you know, you're spilling your feelings as he practically cradles you.


"Forgive me for not being able to tend to this matter sooner....are you alright?"

Arthur would feel so damn guilty..automatically assuming that there was some way he could've prevented you feeling so low. However, he'll suck it up.

Within the private confines of your shared room, Arthur would approach you with a gentleness in his gait that only you had the privilege of seeing. He'd then cup your cheek in his hand and press a kiss to your head, only departing so he could sit on his bed, quick to beckon you over so you can tell him your woes.


"I'm truly sorry doll, hmm..up for a distraction?"

Much to your pleasure, Nick's go to method of comforting is wrapping you up in an old blanket and putting on the projector- allowing some old pre-war film he salvaged to play as he cuddles you.

Old Longfellow:

"Hey cap, you know im here for you if you want to talk. Don't beat yourself up too bad though."

Of course, his reaction to any negative feeling is to promptly pour the both of you a drink. Nudging the glass in your hand, he'd give you an expecting gaze, patiently waiting for you to take it upon yourself to explain.


"Blue, we're in this together- let me know what I can do to make you feel better."

She's damn good at making you feel better, firstly offering up kind words and a warm smile- but secondly, she'd make sure to eliminate any extra stressors your environment might behold, allowing you to fully recuperate.


"My love, come here."

His go to way of comforting you is, of course, a big hug. It's just the start though. Next thing you know, you're being drug back to your shared home, given a warm drink and wrapped in a blanket with your boyfriend leaning in with his hands on his knees and an expression that practically said "tell me everything."


"Aw baby cakes, I hate seeing you sad. What's wrong?"

He's really bad about coddling, like, terrible. Even if it's something minor, he'll treat it like the end of the world if you're sad. When it comes down to comforting you, he'll do what he does best and fixes up a little trinket for you- maybe even a piece of jewelry with intricate engravings.


"Do, perhaps feel up to shooting some raiders?"

He's really bad at comforting...did you expect anything different? I mean honestly, did you? Hope not because the very thing he does is try to help you through things that help him- so...shooting raiders it is.

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