How they show their love

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Cait is a very physical woman, finding it the best way to express herself no matter what emotion, so love was no exception. Despite her newness to the whole "kind affection" idea, she takes almost instantly to simple gestures such as kissing and hugs. Much to her surprise, she actually really likes cuddling. A much more pleasant alternative to the type of touches she became accustomed to.


She too prefers to just show you her love through physical touches. Be it her fingers laced between your's or a gentle kiss to your freshly dressed wound, she lives for the "cute" blush her actions cause.


Sometimes Danse finds it difficult to express his love for you, the whole situation being inherently foreign to him. Honestly he just overthinks it, not wanting to be too awkward. However he still does his best in the form of occasional heartfelt "I love you's", waking up to your weapons and power armor polished and upgraded, sweet little quick kisses and even him holding you tight in his arms for rare hugs.


Deacon shows his love through spending quality time. Sometimes choosing to take the longer trek in wastes if it means being able to spend a fire-lit night with you in his arms. No work to worry about in that moment, just you and him, enjoying each other's company.


We all know gage isn't the best with feelings, definitely not with expressing them for that matter. However he really does make an effort with his actions, showing his affection through them and in your opinion, making up for what he lacks in words. For instance, he may not be the romantic type and constantly tell you he loves you but he'll do his best to straighten the place up, trying to make it comfortable for the two of you, dare he admit it, settle down. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't enjoy it not one bit but if it makes you happy? He'll do it sweetheart.


Hancock expresses his love equally through physical touch and gift giving. He just can't help himself when it comes to you, finding it completely necessary to walk through goodneighbor with his hand on your waist- all while going to the third rail for quite a few drinks. Aside from that, he has a habit to grab ahold of your hand, swinging your clasped hands back and forth gently as you walk side by side.


Mac's all about giving gifts to his "honey bunches" even if the presents may be obtained by questionable methods. Nonetheless, he has a knack for it surprisingly. Knowing just what you like and happy to provide it.


Arthur has a tendency to be really "hands-on", his method of showing affection is no exception. Don't get me wrong, it's not inherently sexual, though he does love that too but that's not it. Sometimes he'll just give you a rare soft smile, brushing a lock of your hair out of your face if it's long enough. Even more so, he likes to hold your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Bonus, this also means that when he finally retires to his bed at night, you can fully expect to be wrapped up in a warm bear hug style cuddle all night.


He's quite possibly the most romantic synth ever. Nick shows his love in a plethora of ways, be it leaving sweet little love notes for you or taking you out for the closest thing to a dinner date the wastes could offer. There will be no doubting his affection for even one moment.

Old longfellow:

Though he isn't the best with mushy stuff, he is a firm believer in the power of quality time and it's undeniable affect. So even if he won't come back home with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he'll happily spend the whole morning with you at his side, swilling what passes as coffee as the two of you talk.


She's more apt to showing her love through words of praise. Nothing too cringe inducing, just enthusiastic kind words followed by that sweet grin that makes you melt inside.


He's sappy all the way around. For starters he shows his affection by flirting and using cutesy little pet names but even more than that he shows his love through acts of service. Never had you thought that breakfast in bed would've been a reality after waking up in the wastes, but hey, even if it's just scram and nuka cola, it's still sweet.


He's another one of the more clueless ones when it comes to showing his love for you. He can't help it, it's the first time he ever felt something so strong. That being said, he still tries his level best to reassure you of his affection by doing small acts of service- such as but not limited to making sure you have plenty of ammunition clips, tidying up around the house and other stuff like that.

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