Paladin Danse maschoism expansion

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Please excuse me if this is disorganized, this might as well just be a collection of random thoughts I tried to make look like an appropriate post- r.i.p.

Upon the subject of sex, Danse hadn't truly ever thought of the motives behind his to say.. "different" preferences. One could perhaps chalk it up to a good portion of his life being dedicated to rigorous training regiments- but even if that was so, how could his over excessive work be justified? Too many of times had Danse been the first one in the gym and the very last to leave on an "off day", looking absolutely feral and finding it hard to even walk from how hard he exerted himself.

Why? Who knows. Maybe it was because of his need to always feel like he was upholding some higher standard, like he needed to be an example..but he knew that was a damn lie deep down as well. On a more darker note, maybe it was due to the little "rush" he would feel when he finally would be caught underperforming and reprimanded for such offense. The embarrassment was there, that much was perfectly plain to see, but what was under the surface was an addictive rush of adrenaline- one that Danse was even more so embarrassed of than being chewed out by his then commanding officer.

This little "addiction" as was so eloquently put, would only grow to rear its head more whenever Danse entered a romantic relationship with none other than the Sole Survivor. He hasn't ever exactly been the best at communicating his desires or his carnal preferences as some might've been, but that didn't really matter much- he trusted sole. That trust is likely the key component to him finally voicing his wants one fateful night when him and his lover were tangled within their shared bedsheets.

Problem was, Danse hadn't known exactly how to explain it- having never really brought this up during sex..much less to anyone else. Fortunately, his love was able to "speak Paladin" and came to an understanding, giving him a look that sent his heart to a rapid drumming as they roughly pushed him onto his back.

That was the night that Danse finally felt completely satiated- an "itch" he hadn't known existed been scratched. Thanks to some patience on sole's part and some well communicated do's and dont's, Paladin Danse figured out that not only did he like being treated roughly, but he also liked to be physically struck. Nothing too extreme, steel forbid sole give him a black eye- he may have went flaccid the very second it happened if that ever played out- but them slicing his skin with their nails? Great. Them biting rough bruises into his neck and drawing blood? Wonderful. Them riding him out his fourth or fifth orgasm of the night, his cock almost numb from the overstimulation as his hips desperately buck go get away from them- a pathetic silent scream spilling from him all the while he can't even spill more than a couple drops? Outstanding.

To some extent, Danse receives the most pleasure being used by his partner....but once again, slapping him straight in the face also tends to make a peculiar coming sensation occur in his lower abdomen..only a matter of time before that becomes the sensation of blood pooling down south.

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