Romanced male companions feeling pregnant sole's belly for the first time

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(Like I usually do with the longer drabble-ish things, I'll do a couple of them that I have the most inspiration for and ya'll can request individuals if you so please! I'm more than likely going to add gage and Hancock later when I can think of more ways to introduce this without it being regurgitated.)


It had almost became a little game your unborn child liked to play. Danse was certainly not a fan. See, every time your babe would kick- it would either be when Danse wasn't in the room and preoccupied or, and this is truly funny, you'd call Danse over and the child would completely stop- leaving their usually stoic father grinning like an idiot with his hand against your stomach, waiting for almost minutes to feel them...just to be let down yet again.

Poor danse even began to accept he might not ever get to feel the baby kick, which was of course completely unacceptable. As such, you stayed with Danse in the garage the majority of the day- purposefully playing Diamond City Radio a little louder than what was necessary. It would probably sound strange to tell, but certain songs seem to make your baby more active.

Thankfully, Danse was privy to your plan and was careful not to mess with anything that would potentially require careful precision and all of his attention.

Sure enough, "Anything Goes" began to play- and as if on cue- your child gave a rather expected kick.

"Danse.." You carefully spoke, fearing that your baby would somehow hear their father's name being called and stop moving once again.

The ex-Paladin's amber eyes grew saucer sized as he padded his way towards you- hand already outstretched and waiting for your guidance. With an almost silly sense of victory, you took his hand and pressed it right to the area the baby was kicking.

Finally- after so many failures- Danse felt his baby kick. The sensation alone almost immediately sent tears to his eyes, threatening to spill while giving his eyes a glassy look.

"This was worth the wait.." He managed to say, a content sigh leaving him right after he spoke.


It was at night, right after you tucked Duncan and Shaun in. Mac was reading them a story or.. more or less improvising one while you got ready to settle in for the night.

Perhaps a couple minutes into you tucking yourself in, Mac finally came in with a tired- yet happy look on his face.

"Things really just can't get any better, huh?" He spoke, taking your thoughts and making them a reality as you eyed him up until he finally rolled into bed.

"My thoughts exactly, Mac." You replied, quick to curl up at his side the second the opportunity was presented.

The peacefulness provided was truly sweet. No rambunctious little boys yelling at each other, no raiders threatening to shoot up the nausea..just you and the person you loved the very most in all the wide wasteland. That much was something you considered yourself quite lucky to have...however before you could let the sweet temptation of sleep sweep over you-

"Was that-" Mac interjected, having fortunately had his hand placed right on your stomach to feel-

"Oh holy crap, the baby!" Mac all but squealed, completely ruining the comfortable position you were in as he positioned himself to better feel.

"Jeez Mac.." You laughed, watching his pretty baby blue eyes widen with a crooked little grin.


"Arthur...Arthur come see, quick!"

Had you not been in the..*ahem*..state that you are currently in, such an interruption would've been met with his icy blue eyes peering over his shoulder and a simple "hmmm", the man silently hoping whatever needed his attention wouldn't require it for long so he could finish his work for the night.

Nevertheless, thanks to your current state, the usually composed Elder Maxson all but fell out his chair in his haste to be at your side. Pregnancy, as one might've guessed, was a horrifyingly wonderful anomaly for Arthur. He was so very excited, yet he was equally worried for obvious reasons- not to mention the looming fear of being such a young father and the inadequacy he already felt.

The blue eyes man stumbled to your side, just nearly missing the post of the bed of which you sat. "Is something wrong?!" He asked with a rather humorous shakiness to his voice. He couldn't help it- the hand on your stomach, cradling that precious swell, only filled him with much so that he couldn't look past it and see the happy smile on your face.

Before your love could give himself a heart attack, you simply laughed and took his hand, pressing it to your lower stomach. This only brought about a very confused, almost disturbed look from him- that is until he finally felt it.

As though feeling their father's presence, the unborn babe once again kicked- immediately changing Arthur's expression from one of deep disconcert to one of shock.

"I-is, is that them?" He asked in a small voice, his expression softening by the second and a slight gentleness seeming to glisten in his eyes. "What do you think?" Was your teasing reply, your hand slowly withdrawing from his.

Instead of thinking of some long, beautifully orchestrated line to express his awe- Arthur just kind of stared. However he soon descended, finally sitting on his knees in front of you and between your legs- patiently waiting for the next kick.

"Hey baby.."

And just like that, Arthur gave one of the most remarkable smiles you've ever seen. Not only because of the rarity, but because of the genuine love behind it. 

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