Companions and their favourite cold weather activities

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(As a person who used to live in a super snowy climate now living in Louisiana, there is only one thing I have to say on this day as I break out snow shovels that haven't been used in years: "how the fuck are you here?"  Anyways- enjoy! And for those of you who are in a place that's buried in snow- stay warm!)


No. Cold weather is a no go.


As childish as it sounds, Curie loves catching snowflakes on her tongue. She's aware that it's merely water, but something is so beautifully engaging about the activity. She's never been able to experience what the snow tastes and feels like, at least not until now.


Snow and power armour don't really mix well. However, Danse is strangely okay with it. It may be simple, but Danse really enjoys taking a walk and observing the rare winter anomaly. Bonus points if he has someone to talk to.


Surprisingly normal..He just likes assembling snowmen and dressing them up.


Hon, he is hairless. If, and only if, you decide to bring him out- best make sure you bundle him up. I'm talking full walking marshmallow. He won't enjoy that too much...


Get a trash can lid and push him down a hill and he'll call it a good day.

It could be because he didn't have much of a childhood- but if Arthur were to be honest..he'd love nothing more than to build a snow fort.


Umm..sorry kiddo, synths weren't too advanced when he was built- plus the whole exposed servos and circuits thing won't bode well with snow and ice. He likes staying inside.

Old Longfellow:

He's old, the snow and cold weather hurts his joints- but that isn't to say he doesn't enjoy it nonetheless! Ice fishing is always a good way to pass time while things melt.


Might be a little unexpected..but she likes building snowmen with her little sister.


Oh boy, Preston by far prefers starting a nice fire and relaxing. Isn't really a cold weather centered activity but it's something..


He isn't too fond of the snow, actually. However it's a rarity in the commonwealth so he won't completely shun it. With that being said, his favorite activity is salting walkways so he can get back to work...well, as much work can be done at least.


Engage death in the form of snowball to the face. Snowball fights are by far a personal favourite of his- especially if he can sneak attack people. You know that one scene from Elf where Buddy goes absolute ham on those kids? That's X6.

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