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Cait: Not the most graceful dancer in the commonwealth but picked up some of the dance moves the raiders would do in their drunken stupor, so if classy is your thing- her dance style is far from it. However if more "provocative" dancing is, you're in luck.

Well, he does as best as he can considering the most he can do to dance is spin.

Curie: Cannot dance whatsoever but is more than eager to learn and is a surprisingly fast learner.

Danse: Despite what some may think (*cough* Shaun *cough*) he's not awful at it. He usually doesn't like to dance out in public but with enough coaxing and reassurance he will with you- but nothing more than close ballroom-esque style.

Deacon: Is a very well trained dancer and will, as many would guess, gladly demonstrate his talent. He swears it's because he had to learn it to blend in better but honestly he just really likes to dance.

Gage: No, not at all he sucks and is too embarrassed to give it another try.

Hancock: Of course he can dance, but don't expect anything too refined. He is a man of culture but that culture primarily consists of chem fueled party-like events.

Macready: Decent dancer but is too shy to do it in front of anyone besides his s/o but that's okay.

Maxson: Much like danse, he's good at ballroom and..ballet, but aside from that- no.
Nick Valentine:

Isn't the best at it but still, he will attempt to dance if you ask.
Old longfellow: Even though he can hike up mountains and fight, he claims he's too old to dance. That being said, he'll still tap his foot and sway when a song he likes comes on.

Piper: Can dance..sorta, it's more or less her swaying and moving her hands to the beat.

Preston: He can square dance, that's for sure.

X6-88: no, he won't dance no matter how much you beg.

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