Shaun's thoughts on sole's romantic partners

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((I'm just gonna say this is like first impression stuff))


•Ehhh..he doesn't really know how to feel..tbh.

•He'll probably hide behind you the first time you introduce them.


•He. Loves. Her.


•This may come as a huge shock, but he thinks Danse is funny. Like, his first impression is "wow, this big metal dude sure is awkward"

•Thankfully, Shaun holds himself together and doesn't laugh when Danse stutters out an explanation of what his "role" is with the his mom/dad.


•Another maybe shocker..Shaun doesn't approve of him very much at first

•Deacon isn't exactly the best at being "open", Shaun picks up in that instantly.


•Gage tries, he really does for you, but he just can't help but scare Shaun.

•Nonetheless, all it takes is for Shaun to take one good look at his tattoos, his gun, and his nifty armour and he is intrigued.

•All he'll breaks loose after that.



•I advise you to prepare Shaun. Mind you, he is no bigot..but he has never even heard of a ghoul. Now, the two do them are going to get along just fine..but shaun's first thing is to ask Hancock "Who burned you?"

•It's a good thing Hancock can joke around.


•Shaun really likes Mac. It's like an instant "you're cool"

•Duncan is definite plus! Those two get along really well..just beware. Two troublesome kids isn't good.


•Shaun is bewildered upon their first meeting. The three of you flying off from the blast sight, both you and Arthur covered in power armour grease, laser rifle burns, and other let's not not consider that the first time they really meet.

•Well, back at the Prydwen it isn't exactly less crazy. In his eyes, Arthur is like some sort of hero, just like you were. A very serious, intimidating, hero that he has caught kissing his mom/dad.

•It'll take some time.


•Woah. Fortunately, Shaun has been exposed to quite a few synths like Nick- so it isn't like Hancock where he is completely horrified.

•Considering his calm, soothing demeanor, Nick quickly puts whatever strange anxiousness Shaun may have at ease and gets to talk to the kid.

•Shaun is a little confused as to why you're um..involved..with a gen 2 synth though..

Old Longfellow:


•Just kidding..

•Shaun is a little intimidated at first. I mean, come on, there's this big dude that smells of whisky and has a look colder than ice..not too mention he's almost always grumpy.

•Don't worry, they'll warm up to each other in due time.


•Is kind of disconcerted whenever he finds out who piper is..not because he should be calling her "step-ma" or anything but..he kind of has a thing for Nat.

•Nonetheless, he won't take it out on poor Piper. Instead she digs a hole for herself by being too caught up with writing columns...but he doesn't hate her. He just might play the occasional prank on her to get her attention is all.


•With a personality like Preston's, Shaun's approval is pretty much a guarantee.

•All it takes is one night where Preston formally sits down with the kiddo, a nice campfire alight in front of them, and just talks to him. Not as a "hey, I'm sorry but I'm the dude that's screwing your mom/dad" kind of talk, but more so a "hey, I'm interested in getting to know more about you." Kind of thing.

•Shaun respects him.


•Sturges is calm, charming, and quite frankly decently likable. Plus he has a liking towards tinkering? Sign Shaun up.

•He likes him a lot actually. Sturges and him seem to take to each other seamlessly. In addition to this, Sturges isn't like any of the other companions where he is usually putting himself into some form of danger- so as somber as it is, he subconsciously is free of the fear of losing him.

•in any other words..they get close.


•This is shaun's bestie. No matter what X6 tries to say.

•A little weirded out when he realizes the type of relationship you and X6 have..but..he guesses that it's alright. At least he knows the dude.

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