Romancee Companions react to sole runninv up and jumping on them after a while

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"Geez, I've missed ya too."

She'd probably have to stop herself from busting out in laughter- here you were, throwing yourself at her and nearly causing the two of you to crumble. However she isn't complaining, in fact she is ecstatic.


"Oh my-! Mon chéri, heh, you nearly knocked Curie down. Nonetheless, I am so happy to see you please, tell me all about your travels."

Whenever you pounced on her..let's just say it's a good thing she wasn't preoccupied and the surrounding area was relatively safe. Once she got over the initial surprise attack shock, she is overwhelmingly happy by your presence, embracing you as though she never would again.


"Well, well, been long enough!"

Um no, he's the one to tackle you hon. You aren't going to get the jump on him anyway.


"Welcome home, my love..damn, I don't know what I would've done had you not come home.."

You can guarantee the entire time you were away, Danse was unwillingly piecing together every possible way you could've perished. So..having you pounce on him and be so affectionate almost choked him up, resulting in him holding you for perhaps a little longer than necessary. Loss was common, especially in Danse's life..but he would crumble the day he lost you.


"Didn't think I'd ever be the one to say it Boss, but..maybe hold out a little longer before you go claiming parks? I-I..I missed you a whole hell of a lot."

Gage usually wasn't the type to be overly affectionate at any given time, however having you literally throw yourself at him made him think differently. All the feelings of missing you, hating a cold spot in the bed beside him where you should've been, all of the terribly lonesome thoughts he had- they came bubbling up. Thus making him wrap his arms around you as tight as possible, hiding his face in your shoulder. He doesn't really know what came over him.


"Please tell me I'm not hallucinating. It's so good to see you, my beautiful sunshine."

Unlike most of the times were Hancock was able to downplay his emotions and stay calm, he was at a lost without you there. Therefore as soon as you came back, he was starstruck- eyes full of love and arms wide open for you to jump into.


"Hey there! Can't believe I actually caught ya! Sure am glad I did."

Once he finished his greeting, Mac would lean down and kiss you- savoring the moment before bringing you back to your little shared house to properly catch up.


"Even after trekking the commonwealth you still are so enthusiastic to report back? I'm joking, I've missed you so much while you were away- how about I show you how much?"

Granted there was no one present to watch him make a fool of himself, Arthur would return the gesture with equal enthusiasm- pecking a million tiny kisses where he could before sitting down with you in his lap. Don't worry, he'll be sure to make good on his word.


"Woah! Good to know you missed me too, blue. Tell me all about your time away."

She would merely return the gesture with a blushy smile, pressing a kiss to your cheek before gaining her composure and fixing you up...maybe allowing her hand to start wandering if the two of you have necessary privacy.


"Glad to see you back and safe, General! Now c'mere..."

Upon being met with your body colliding into his, Preston would playfully fall to the ground- making sure you land safely on top of him- before readjusting his gage and looking up at you with the sweetest yet devious grin he could muster. He loves you so much..


"Shucks, really missed me that much? Well I think it's safe to say I missed you even more, sugar."

The very second Sturges realizes that you are back in Sanctuary he drops whatever he was working on and dashes your way, grabbing you and spinning you just like on the old pre-war romance movies as you jump in his arms.  He really hates seeing you leave, but damn, he loves times like this.


"I've missed you as well."

Like with most things, X6 handles this instance with a stable calmness about him- simply catching you in his arms as though you weighed nothing before placing a kiss to your forehead. This will be one of the times he'll break his normally ice cold stoic facade and grace you with a sweet smile.

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