Companions cuddle headcanons

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Early on in the relationship, Cait is very "iffy" about excessive physical contact. Truthfully though, she is deeply touch starved, craving the love and affection that you can give her. Just be patient with her and build up that trust, eventually you'll find her nonchalantly draping an arm around you as you sit at a bar..wrapping both of them around you to sleep so she can hold you tight.


Cuddling is yet another new and wondrous area for her to explore. As a Nanny bot, Curie never experienced the "high" of being in another's embrace, so the very second you ask her to cuddle- she is elated. Honestly anyway is the way for Curie.


Danse will primarily initiate cuddling when the two of you turn in for the night, finding that holding you tight against his chest is the best way to fall asleep. Being a victim of frequent night terrors, Danse has a tendency to cling to you for dear life- sometimes even waking up and involuntarily squeezing you gently just to make all reassure him that you are there. He just wants to be able to protect you.


Physical contact is also a rough spot for Deacon. I mean..he obviously loves you a whole lot but..just let him warm up to the idea of cuddling please. He'll come around, and when he does, he will have no shame in asking you to be the big spoon.


Believe it or not, he is a sucker for cuddles. Gage's absolute favorite way is when the two of you have some privacy and he can just hold you on his lap, your head on his shoulder and his hands rubbing imaginary shapes into your back until both of you doze off.


Another enthusiastic cuddler on our hands. Unless it's mid-battle, Hancock is almost always down to cuddle. Be it spooning or whatever, he is ready.


He too suffers from the thought of losing you, even if it's in the back if his mind. As such, Macready tends to keep that "death grip" on you at all times. Unlike Danse, he'll even resort to throwing a leg over you.


The whole routine of sharing his bed with another person is honestly something he has to get used to. However with that being said, Arthur quickly develops a liking towards you being the one to hold him. I know, "not the brotherhood elder", hear me out though...after countless hours of duty, sometimes he only has the energy to crawl into bed and do all he can not to just straight lay on top of you.


As with most things, he's a traditionalist. He likes the classic "spooning" position. He even respectfully keeps his hands strictly on your waist the entire time you sleep.

Old Longfellow:

It may sound kind of mushy for him, but his absolute favourite way to cuddle is by laying down facing you and holding your hand as the two of you drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Even though it isn't necessarily to go to sleep, Piper prefers for you to simply lean into her side so she can cuddle up against you and continue to rattle off about whatever latest development she has made.



Let this poor sweet man know how much you love him and how you will protect him. He deserves that much.


Honestly? He loves nothing more for you to play with his hair as he lays his head down on your lap. Maybe even tell him about some of the latest settlements you've been helping out, or don't, just enjoy the moment.


Might not sound too "sweet" but X6 has found that his preferred way to cuddle is to rest his head atop your own and gingerly wrap his arms around your waist.

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