Threesome headcanons

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(In honor of the famous "Penis Friday". Here's my humble addition to the day)



Surprisingly enough, she's enthusiastic about the entire ordeal! You go ahead and spare her the work, go find ya'll a suitable partner while she prepares her notes for later-


Oh my goodness. He's going to be a hot flustered mess the entire time and probably wouldn't get too much fun out of it...however..there is also the off chance that "possessive Danse" kicks in. Then it's a guarantee that you will be marked in every sense of the word.


You kidding? Gage is up for it, so long as you understand that you are all his. Vice versa though. His choice of person would probably be Mason. Ikr? He doesn't seem to care too much for him..well..gage has a thing for "freaks in the sheets".


Umm..this one should be obvious. I hope you fully understand that it's not just a "threesome". It's going to be a full fledged orgy.


Eh, he'll take it or leave it honestly. He certainly won't turn it down if you present the opportunity, plus he has a couple people in mind..that he will of course bring up and run by you first.


Arthur would rather die than expose himself in such an intimate way, at least for a while. After some much needed convincing, you can persuade him to allow "extra company" the only catch is that they cannot be anyone in the Brotherhood. Also- Danse is a no go.


Okay listen, Nick is very much so a traditional, vanilla style lover. However this is an exception! He's willing to indulge so long as the third party is someone the two of you are familiar with and trust. *cough* Piper *cough*.

Old Longfellow:

Sure. He's okay with it...


Fuck yes! It sounds so exciting, she's practically dying to try it out. If she had to pick someone not Hancock? He seems like a good time plus she trusts him not to "fuck and tell".


He'd be such a wreck, but if it's something you really are into- he's fair game! Bring who ever you want, he's going to make sure the two..erm..three of you, have a damn good time.


The only thing I'm gonna say here is..being sandwiched between Danse and Sturges would be heaven.


No. Absolutely not. Don't take this the wrong way- but X6 is extremely possessive and believes that no one else should be privileged to see you in such a way. You're his.

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